Chapter 15

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I ran ran ran. I found a cave that looked safe. I went in and I saw drawings that I have never seen before. "She has to be by the beach. Pan said she always likes going to the beach to think." I heard a lost boy say. I shut up at that monment. "Boys. We will find Pan's girl and he will make sure the potion works." I hear Felix reply to the boys. I can't take it anymore! I need to find out how he knew. Was it the kiss? Was it when I talk to my mother? I need to do a spell. One where they can't find me if they try.

"Tellus scio fui turpis. Eripe me, ut non cadat in laqueum Pan." (I know I've been to Earth and back. Take me away from Pan so I don't fall for his trap.) Then in a flash, I was somewhere I didn't know of. "Are you lost, Lost girl?" a voice said. "No. Well....not anymore." I reply. "She is lying! Look at her! She is wearing lost girl clothes!" Another voice reply. "We can trust her. I think she's the queen of the witches' daughter!" "Your name!" They demanded. "Sara Smith."  I reply. They gaps in fear and both came closer to me. As they came closer, I studied them. It was a girl and a boy both with lost childern clothes. "Who are you?!"

"We are the found childern."

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