Book TWO Chapter 4

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I woke up in darkness again. Lately that's all I see is darkness. I'm not with Pan and our son but I am in their dreams a lot. My son told me all about him. How he loved his uncle and his father and how they miss me deeply. I tell him not to worry. He shouldn't worry. I never worry.

RIGHT now, my mother and I were searching The old Neverland for our grim war. We found the lost boy's old camp. "I remember this...." My mother whispers. I raised an eyebrow. "Mother what do you mean?" I asked. "When I was a child, I dreamed of Neverland. The shadow helped me hide the grim war." She replied. "So your saying that the shadow knows where the grim war is?"

Suddenly, the shadow appears. He grabbed my mother's arm and started hurting her. I growled and threw him back with a flick of my wrist. The shadow grabbed me and flew to skull rock with me and put me in a cage. Then the shadow turns into a girl. "Aunt Emma." I gasped. "Hello little bitch." She smirked. "You will not ruin my plans of getting Pan back." She laughed evilly. "LET ME GO YOU CRAZY SLUT!" I screamed. She pouted playful yet evil, "Aww....but the fun is just getting started." I growled and waved my hand. She was in a cage. She laughed evilly and with a flick of her wrist the grim war appeared. I grabbed it and disappeared to my mother. She was asleep and I made us appeared to Rebecca. Becca saw the grim war and gasped. "You really are the princess." she said.

I smirked and nodded. "Now let's get me back to my son and Peter."

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