Hands Off

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This time things were going better than ever for both Arthit and kongpop. They were dating and loving each other and they knew about their feelings for each other and that's all is what that matters to them. As long as they'll have the other with them everything is alright.

They skipped classes for almost a week and spent an amazing weekend away from everyone on a beach.

Arthit was strictly against the idea since he didn't want kong to miss any class but kong gave him his puppy eyes and sulked at him and poor Arthit had to agree.

Finally, Arthit entered into the class fresh, happy, satisfied and ready to get back to studying.

"Oh my god look who it is?" Toota shouted as soon as Arthit took a step into the class.

"I can't believe it "The Great Arthit Rojnapat" decides to grace us with his presence" Prem shouted this time and of course they started giggling.

"Guys Is this the Real life or this just fantasy, I'm actually sitting next to Oon Baby" Bright said and they all laughed at Arthit. 

"Shut the fuck up you idiots" Arthit shouted and glared trying to be intimidating.

"Oh we are so scared Arthit The Head Hazer" Knott said rolling his eyes and they all gave him a look of "Do you really think we are scared of you?" And Arthit just shrugged it off.

"So would you now care to explain where were you this past week your highness?" Bright asked.

And then Arthit thought for a while whether he should let them know that he's back together with kong and they went for a mini vacation but he was the one who told kong that other people don't matter but these Friends of his, if he said anything about it now they will surely create a ruckus and God knows how Bright would react he would probably rush to Kong's class this second and bring him here.

After thinking for a while he came out of the room and called kong and told him that they should tell their friends about their relationship in the evening in the bar as to not create another drama in University and kong agreed.

Finally, Arthit came back and sat down again. This time his friends looked even more interested in knowing what's happening with him now.

"Ok wow so he's not even answering us now, you guys saw that right he rushed out to talk to someone instead of answering me, Me? Bright his best friend? God I can't believe this" Bright said leaning on Toota's shoulder and started fake crying.

"Oh my god will you guys stop being so dramatic for once?" Arthit said looking frustrated and they all smiled at him.

"I had almost forgotten his weird voice and stupid face" Prem said joining bright's fake crying party.

"I swear to god I will kick you all if you didn't stop all this drama" Arthit almost shouted.

"Oh so let me get this straight you disappeared on us without even telling us where you were going and when we called you because we were so worried about you, you  shouted on us and cursed us and now that you are back  you are shouting at us again?" Knott said.

"It's not like that, guys I was doing something very important at that time and you guys just... I was.. it was...you disturbed me so I yeah that's why and sorry for disappearing like that but hey I called you after that and told you I was safe right?" Arthit tried to explain.

"Oh really? Something very important huh?" Toota said and their smiles turned creepy once again even Knott had an amused look on his face. Arthit just looked at them confused and waited for them to explain.

"Hahahha oh my god, that was a fun day right guys if only this innocent giant didn't disconnect the phone" Prem said and they all nodded and glared at Knott.

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