One Step Closer

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I woke up alone. What the hell even a hungover kong can wake up early than me, seriously what's his deal. But then I remembered what actually happened last night. What did he mean by he knows I still love him and he'll bring me back. What really is going on in his mind right now.

I sat up on the bed to look around for him and then the bathroom door open and he came out with just a towel around his waist, what the hell, why is he roaming around almost naked. Well not that I mind, he looks super hot right now, Ugh Seriously Arthit? You are supposed to move on from him and that's not going to happen if you just kept on drooling over his body.

"Enjoying the view P'?" Kong asked smirking.

"Yeah.. what NOOOOO.. what view... I'm sleepy, I was just staring mindlessly" I mumbled and rushed into the bathroom.

I looked myself in the mirror and scolded myself for being so stupid and took a shower.

As I came back I saw kong was putting his breakfast and mine on the table.

"Why did you bring it for me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"You know we are not living together right? We are just Roommates for some time so you don't have to do this" I told him.

"Oh really? I guess I'll just have to drink this Nomyen myself" he said reaching over for the Pink milk.

"Ok, I'll eat this since you have already bought it, can't let it go to waste" I replied sheepishly taking Nomyen from his hands.

He just chuckled as I sat down on the table with him.

"P', you are really cute you know that right" he said smiling.

"Shut up and let me eat" I almost shouted.

After finishing the food, we both got up to leave for classes. He left before me, without even saying anything. I was maybe disappointed, I mean we were going to the same place, we could have gone together. But isn't this what I wanted, him to act like a normal roommate and friend. Make up your Mind Arthit, I shouted at myself and came downstairs from the building.

"What took you so long? Just come and sit now" Kong said and I saw him, he was sitting on his bike, oh that's why he left before me but why was I getting so excited to know that he was waiting for me.

"I'm not going with you" I said.

"Stop it Arthit, we don't have time to play right now even though I would love to but you have a class to attend, so get on if you want to reach on time" he said giving me smug look, knowing well that I'll have to attend that class anyhow and I'll have to go with him now.

" Fine" I said pouting and sat behind him.

The entire time I can see him checking me out in the side mirror. What is wrong with this kid "Concentrate on the road, You can watch me when you are not driving" I told him.

"Oh, so you are giving me permission to stare at you now babe?" He replied.

"What no.. just look ahead," I said.


It was break-time and my friends were busy with one thing or other and I reached cafeteria to buy my food. I don't like eating alone that much as usually my friends or before kong used to accompany me. I sighed again why was I thinking about him again? Wasn't he the one who broke my heart and now what just because his feelings are back,so you want to get back together? Get a hold of yourself Arthit,I told myself.

Speaking of the devil, I saw him approaching me.

"Let's go I bought your lunch already" he said giving me his perfect smile.

"Did I ask you to 0062?" I snapped.

"You don't have to 0206" he replied.

"Well, thanks for your consideration but I'll buy my own lunch" I told him.

"Are you sure you'll be able to?" He said pointing to the line ahead of me. It was a really long line and I have continuous class after break.

"Come let's sit there" he said and without waiting for my answer and started walking towards the direction of one of the empty tables with two chairs, I reluctantly followed him, it's not like I have a choice.

We were about to start eating when Godt came from behind me and did his signature "Making me jump Hey", why does he always does that.

"The hell Godt? I told you to not do that" I said to him.

"And I told you it's fun and your reaction is cute" he said smiling, what cute? Is he out of his mind?

"Kong do you mind if I take Arthit with me? I want to eat with him alone" he asked kong.

Kong was already making some weird expressions but when Godt asked him that I could very easily comprehend it, he was so jealous right now, I don't why but this was amusing to me.

" Well actually I do mind P', We were already in the middle of our conversation when you disturbed us, So if YOU don't mind please leave us alone for some time, we have something to discuss," he told Godt.

This was really unexpected for me, the ever so polite and Gentleman kong can be like this when jealous. I really wanted to laugh then and there, this situation was very funny to me. I really didn't want to go and eat with Godt, it's not that I don't like him, I really wasn't in a mood to goof around with him so I didn't say anything.

Godt just sighed and said " Umm ok, I'll see you later Arthit" and I nodded and he left.

"What was that?" I asked kong while eating.

"What?" He said acting innocent.

"Don't play Dumb" I replied.

"Well, I didn't want him to disturb our date" He said smiling.

"WHAT....This is not a date" I almost shouted.

"Is that so? But I don't think so, Oh I get it... You wanna have a real date baby?" He asked me.

"You... Why would I?" I replied controlling myself.

"Because you have a crush on me" he replied with a smirk.

I gave him the same Wide-eyed reaction, I gave him when he told me the same thing during the Hazing period. What is he trying to do? I'm losing my mind again.

"No, I don't.. just eat your food" I mumbled.

And he just laughed licking his lips. God, I hate him and his seductive lip lick so much.


Are you guys enjoying this? Kong is unleashing his full "Flirty kong" mode on Arthit, will Arthit melt again for him?

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