Oh How I Want You

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Ever since Arthit moved into my dorm. Things have been going great for us. At least for me. Since I know all his weakness and almost everything about him it's really not that hard for me to make him do things my way. I don't know if this is a good thing that he's so gullible but seriously I'm feeling lucky that he is.

I purposely came out of the shower with just a towel like I do everyday. I know this affects him and he makes such a cute face when I caught him staring but he makes it so obvious like right now, well I may have tied my towel way too low and I may have been taking way too long to dry my hair but still.

"What are doing 0062?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back, knowing well what he means.

"Seriously? Ok, let me ask you straight... Are you what trying to seduce me Kong?" He asked me with a serious face but he looked so cute oh so cute and only he can ask someone such a question with so much seriousness.

"Depends" I replied.

"On what?" he asked giving me an irritated look.

"Is it working?" I replied smirking.

He again gave me his wide-eyed expression and said "In your dreams" and made his way to the bathroom.

"Oh babe we do so much more than this in my dreams" I mumbled and I hear him stumbling, he must have heard me and I just laughed.


I have made it my mission to be with Arthit 24×7. I only leave him alone when he's in class or out with his friends and sometimes I drop by even at that time too. I know this may be irritating for him but he doesn't really say anything to me so I'm fine as long he doesn't go All "Arthit " on me otherwise I'll have to think of something else.

I was waiting for his classes to end to go back home with him. I really liked waiting for him like this and going back together to the same place, it almost feels like I'm waiting for my wife. I chuckled thinking how would he react if he had heard me. 

Then I saw Godt approaching me.

He came and sat beside me and asked me with seriousness "What are you doing Kongpop?" 

"What do you mean Godt?" I replied knowing that he's talking about how I always take Arthit with me and even if he's taking Arthit somewhere with him, I'll just make up some excuse to bring Arthit back to me.

"You know what I'm talking about. I told you I wanted to pursue him" he said.

"But I don't want you to do that" I told him.

"Oh really? Why do you like him now?" He said giving me a look of disbelief.

"Well I do and not just like I love him and I know he loves me too, so it would be better for you to stay away" I told him honestly.

"Haha, Wow why don't we let Arthit decide who he wants na? And you love him how did it happen so suddenly huh? Just because he's living with you? Like seriously" He said and then added " Get over your stupid crush Kong, I'm advising you as a Senior, let him be with me. You and I we both know, I really love him and he belongs to me. I mean you don't even him know him like I do".

"Ok SENIOR, you have no idea how much I know him and you were right, let's just let him decide na why don't we?" I replied and went to Arthit's direction and took him away before Godt could approach us.


Today I had to do many assignments and projects for my classes. I was really irritated, not because I had to work on this but because I wasn't able to take Arthit out for lunch and I don't think I would be able to take him for Dinner and might not even be able to take him home.

I was really sad since he's going to move back to his room soon and I might not be able to do all this after he does that. I started working way too hard and I was sure I would be able to complete all this soon and then may be able to spend time with Arthit. Then Aim approached me.

Aim:" Hey kong, how's it going?" I know when he talks like this he has something to tell me now, I mean I just helped him in his project not like 30 minutes ago.

"What is it Aim tell me" I asked him.

" What?... No, nothing just wondering about something" he replied.

"About what?" I asked him again, seriously this guy.

"What are you and P'Arthit right now? You guys are not dating right?" He asked he's so stupid sometimes I tell you.

"Why does this concern you Aim?" I asked him.

"Tell me na kong?" He asked again.

"No we are not at least yet, don't worry I'll get him back soon I'm sure" I told him with full confidence.

"Well yeah about that...." He started talking again.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I told P'Godt about our schedule for today when he asked me yesterday as I didn't think much of it but I now I know why he asked me that" he said in one breath. What was this Godt trying to do now?

"And what is it just get to the point Aim" I asked him in a louder voice.

" Well I heard P'Bright talking that Godt is going to ask P'Arthit out tonight in that Cafe near Mall, I don't know much but I think he's going all in that's all I heard, just thought I should let you know, I mean I told you before they were always together and he's so good looking and all so I don't know kong, Do you think P'Arthit will agree to go out with him?" Aim mumbled again in one breath.

"Of course not, thanks for telling me that Aim" I told him and he left to do his work.

I was done with my work but I couldn't stop thinking about what Aim said. Arthit is not going to say yes to Godt right? He still has feelings for me right? I was going crazy just thinking about what must be happening right now. Even though I told Aim No, I don't know if I believe it myself. If Arthit said yes to Godt, what am I gonna do then? No, I can't let this happen. 


I decide to go to that cafe. I mean it can be a coincidence that I decided to come to this cafe today right? Yes obviously, I mean it's pretty logical to come to a cafe just what like 30 minutes away from my college after working all day on projects right? Whom am I kidding? But I don't care anymore.

I entered and saw Arthit looking so cute like he always does and smiled a little but my smile dropped when I saw Godt standing in front of him. He cupped Arthit's face in his hands.

I should probably leave, right? Arthit chose him over me? He wants him right? This is the end for us right? I'm just going to be his ex from now on that's all.





But I can't, I can't let him go until he throws me out himself, I'm not going to leave him alone and with that attitude, I moved in their direction.

Then I saw Godt leaning in to kiss Arthit and I just rushed and punched him. I don't know if that's my reflex whenever I see anyone get close to Arthit or what but I can't control myself. Unless Arthit tells me to stop I'm not going to let anyone get close to him.


Well, What's going to happen next? Arthit accepted Godt's proposal?

And Sotus S will not air tonight guys😫  we will have to wait another week😭

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Thanks for reading. And Happy New Year everyone 🎉😘😘

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