Morning with Boyfriend

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Arthit woke up and looked at the time, it was 9:00 AM, where did Kong go so early in the morning, they don't even have morning class, why was he up so early. Now he can't keep sleeping knowing that Kong was awake for god knows how long, that damn kid and his early rising habits.

Now it was usual for them to spend time in each other's dorm and even sleep over if they didn't have a morning class next day well if Arthit didn't have a morning class as he would complain that Kong would not let him reach on time with all his flirting and teasing and whatnot. This was Arthit's way of showing his care for his boyfriend since he knew what a jerk and pain in the ass he can be in the morning and didn't want Kong to bear with all this when he himself has to get ready for his own class.

Arthit looked at his phone saw many missed calls from his friends and many messages also but the last call from Knott was answered that means Kong must have picked up his phone, why did he answer his phone, now Knott knows that he had spent the night with Kong, well it wasn't bright at least otherwise he would never hear the end of this and bright will make sure everyone on their campus knows about this. He decided to ignore his friends, well if it was really important they would have called again.

After spending some time lazing around he went to splash some water on his face to wake himself and brush his teeth and then he was thinking of going back to his room and prepare for class as there wasn't much to do in Kong's dorm without Kongpop being there he thought and Kong finally showed up.

"Where the hell did you go so early in the morning, Kong?" Arthit asked him as soon as he entered the room.

"Did you miss me, baby?" Kong replied winking at Arthit.

"Kongpop don't you think it's a bit early for teasing?" Arthit replied rolling his eyes.

"Relax p', I just went to bring our breakfast, the line gets very long if I wait for you to wake up, you know" Kong replied smiling.

"Ok ok, let's eat then I'll go back to my dorm to prepare for class and then go to university" Arthit told Kong.

"umm ok p' let's eat, I bought what you usually order and of course NOMYEN for my cute little pink milk boyfriend" Kong told Arthit smiling too widely and the smack came right after as he was expecting but he just couldn't resist his p' especially in the morning with his bangs still wet and falling on his cute sleepy face making him look even more adorable.

"Kongpop please I'm not even fully awake yet, can't you tone it down?" Arthit said taking a bite of his food.

"How can I when you look so irresistible and cute p', I think I just want to eat you instead" Kong said staring at Arthit.

"KONGPOP!!" Arthit shouted giving him the Head-hazer glare.

Kongpop found this even cuter but decided to let Arthit eat in peace and shut his mouth.

After eating as Arthit was collecting his stuff to go back Kong asked " P'Arthit, can we go to university together on my bike, I mean we are going to the same place and have the classes at the same time, so yeah but I understand if you don't want to too".

"Well you are right, I guess we can go together but I have to take a shower and prepare some stuff so you will have to wait, so if that's ok with you" Arthit replied.

"P'Arthit, I can wait my whole life for you" Kong said flashing his perfect smile.

"Oh my god, how can you be so cheesy all the time, I wonder how your friends handle you" Arthit asked.

Kong put his arms around Arthit's waist and pulled him closer and whispered "All the cheesiness and teasing is reserved for my boyfriend, so you are only one I'm like this with".

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