New Day

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Arthit was walking down the hallway looking for his friends, he was not in the mood to entertain anyone right now and kept quiet when people were staring at him or gossiping about him with their friends, of course, no one had the courage to actually pass any remark about anything directly, they all valued their life.

The news about his break up had spread like fire over the campus.Some were sad. Some were happy thinking they got a chance with either Kong or even with Arthit now.Since kongpop was already popular among everyone, it was not very unusual for him to receive gifts or confessions, he was in habit of it. But for Arthit it was not very normal, since many students even from different faculty approached him, they were still scared of him but now somehow his admirers got the courage to actually flirt with him and even confess to him since everyone knew about his and Kong's relationship and could see how cute he gets when he was with him.

Arthit politely rejected everyone, he wasn't sure if he could start a new relationship right now, he was focused on working, studying and enjoying his last year in college, he didn't have time for love.

What is happening right now, why does everyone suddenly wants to go out with me? I received more confessions and advances this past week than I did in my entire three years. Just because I went out with kong, I seem more approachable to everyone? Well I did kind of stopped being so moody and rude all the time or is it due to me being so shy with kong, well whatever the reason is, all this is super awkward for me, I mean I'm not used to such attention, I hope all this dies down soon.

As I was busy thinking all this in my head, I bumped into someone.

"P'Arthit?" He said.

And I looked up to see it was kong, giving me a bitter fake smile. I didn't know what to do anymore. I thought I was over him but now that he's right in front of me, I'm not so sure. He didn't look very good, I mean he obviously didn't look bad if that's even possible, he looked a bit sad and gloomy, I mean I expected him to look good now, didn't he got what all he wanted the girl he actually likes, I broke up with him without making a scene, then why does he look so weird to me,Well it doesn't concern me.

"Oh sorry, I didn't look where I was going Nong" I replied, he's still my junior right. He gave me a weird look and looked a bit irritated, I mean what do you expect from me now?

"It's been a long time" he said in a low voice.

"Yeah, I'm going to look for my friends now" I replied.

"How have you been?" He asked me giving me big eyes as if expecting me to say something like I still love you, take me back kong or something like that, well I'm not that pitiful 0062, so you don't have to worry.

"I've been good, all set for the last year in college" I replied, I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of mocking me again kong.

"Aren't you going to ask me how I've been?" Kong asked me. I was about to say something but then I saw my friends.

" Well, I have to go now Nong, we can talk later if you have any problem with studies or anything, I'm your senior and Head-hazer after all" I said giving him a fake smile and left. This is all the courage I could muster, I didn't want to get weak in front of him.



I came back to college, people seem to have known about my breakup, how I have no idea. The confessions started again and I rejected them all just like before. I was used to this, so it wasn't a new or big thing for me. I respected their feelings and all but I can't date anyone right now.

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