Six Month Anniversary-1

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Everything is going well in my life. I still couldn't believe that I got to experience so many new things and feelings in just a span of six months. I still can't imagine that how being a scary head hazer can fetch me a great "Moon of the campus" boyfriend who is always ready to do anything I ask him to do and is always showering me with love, his stupid cheesy lines, and his soft kisses and showing me how wonderful life can be.

There is no rift between me and kongpop but these past few weeks have been rough for us and our relationship, No, no one's cheating nor are we fighting, it's just with me almost at the end of my third year and kongpop enrolling in some new college...

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There is no rift between me and kongpop but these past few weeks have been rough for us and our relationship, No, no one's cheating nor are we fighting, it's just with me almost at the end of my third year and kongpop enrolling in some new college linking program, we are not able to meet as much as I would like. I don't know if Kong feel the same about the situation or maybe I'm overthinking again in my boyfriend's word and this is normal.

Ok, I'll admit I act very stupidly due to my overactive imagination specially or rather only with Kong. I'm very possessive and jealous about Kong but never will I ever say this to my too good for his own good boyfriend. He's already so smug all the time if told him this I'm pretty sure he will just tease me even more. As if he doesn't do that already you stupid Arthit.

Yes, even after being together for months, I'm still as shy and nervous around him as I was on the Rama Bridge after the kiss. I don't actually express myself as much a normal boyfriend would especially if you have a boyfriend like Kong who is so cheesy and vocal about his feelings, all the time.

He can just say he loves me, he misses me, he wants to spend time with me and stuff like that without any hesitation and then there's me I'm not even sure if I've said I love you to him looking at his face when he's awake and can hear me. Maybe this is why I'm I this situation, I'm missing him like crazy this week but he seems to be busy and doesn't want to plan a date or something.

Well, Now I can't go to him and say "Hey kongpop, I miss your stupid face so much, please let's go out on a date and make out in my room or something", just thinking about this is making me blush. "Pull yourself together Arthit", I shouted at myself. Now, I'll just have to wait for that 0062 kid to make a move and do something because I don't think I can, sometimes I wonder who the older one in our relationship is.

Well, it's almost time for my class, I better hurry as I need attendance in this class to pass but I'm hungry also. Well, damn you and your bad sleeping habits Arthit. I miss Kong staying over in my room, he would wake me up and also bring something to eat since my coffee prince can't even cook. Seriously, how rich is he, I sometimes wonder maybe I'll ask him someday.

As I was locking my dorm I noticed a bag on my door, I picked it up there it was breakfast and my lovely Pink milk with some snacks and a note. I already know Kong is the one who left this but I want to see what cheesy line he must have written on the card.

"Morning Oon, please eat this baby and think about your boyfriend who also wants to eat something or rather someone if you know what I mean"

-Your Moon 0062

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