Chapter 8: Harmonin

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Chapter 8: Harmonin...

Leo, stood in a blood soaked clearing  covered by fresh corpses. The odor of death filled his nostrils as he watched the landscape in the distance. A heavy downpour of rain covered his tears while he quietly sobbed. With a shaky voice he whispered under his breath "I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." He looked up to the sky and closed his eyes. When he opened them he was in a blank world. There was absolutely nothing there. It was all white, and his quiet breathing echoed all around him. He was surprised there was a floor for him to stand on, yet when he looked down it was the same empty white void. He somehow felt like he was floating in the air, yet he also felt like there was a solid surface beneath his boots.

Leo took one step forward when his head began to ache! He felt it and fell to his knees in excruciating pain. He screamed as demonic voices entered his mind whispering and yelling in unison, "You can't save all of them, stop denying your true self, give into your rage!" Leo began to grow white horns, his nails slowly growing into claws. "You can't save her, all will be lost, You're death is inevitable!" The voices stopped allowing an angelic tone to enter his head calming his consciousness, "You said you would never leave my side?" Leo opened his eyes and saw Shana standing in front of him with a sweet smile on her lips. She was bleeding from her mouth and from several deep gashes all over her body. Leo couldn’t believe what he saw began to scream at the horror laid before his eyes.

"Shana!!!" Leo sits up in bed breathing hard. He realizes what he saw was just a dream and tries to calm down. He wipes the cold sweat off his forehead and looks down, realizing his armor is gone. But, his flame design pants and boots are still on. He sits on the edge of his bed wondering if the dreams mean anything when all of a sudden a voice breaks the silence, "Having nightmares in the middle of the day is a bad omen you know." Leo looks up and sees Joseph sitting against a wall! He quickly jumps out of bed preparing for a fight! Joseph readies himself as well, breaking into a cold sweat and they both eye each other for a few minutes. Joseph takes in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before lowering his guard.

Joseph: "Hey whoa, whoa, I'm not here to fight man." He walks over to Leo hesitantly, his eyes full of fear as he extends his hand slowly, "I'm sorry about earlier and yeah...The Intel I got was false. I apologize for almost killing you. So let's start over. I'm Joseph Sandoz, Lion Knight of the Imperial Kingdom."

Wary of Joseph, Leo shook his hand anyways, "I'm Leo Hevia. Ummm just a normal guy. Where am I? And where are my friends?"

Joseph: "You're in a clinic. You've been here for three days. That Shana girl refused to leave your side for quite sometime, but I believe Monica managed to convince her to get out and get some air. Hector is being re-examined by the doctor for his head injuries. I've already explained the situation to them. But I have a few questions for you. I do not know what or who you are, I just have to be sure you're not a threat to the Imperial Kingdom."

Leo: "A threat?! What the hell are you talking about? You're the one who attacked me?!"

Joseph: "I realize that, but the doctor at this clinic found that your blood is not Centerian, nor does it relate to any other human species in the galaxy. You do not show up on any Imperial record or in any records as a matter of fact! Then you have this accelerated healing ability! I know for a fact I killed you three nights ago! Yet you don't even have a scratch on you! Not even a scar! Joseph paused for a second holding something in his hand, there's also this." He held up Leo's broadsword and soon it disappeared in a flash of light and ended up in Leo's left hand. "I can't even hold it for five seconds before it does that."

Leo examined the broadsword then held it up to his face. He thought about the sword disappearing and the next second it vanished in the same mysterious light. "I can't explain it either, but I can answer a few questions for you... If you answer mine?" Joseph looks at Leo suspiciously, "Ok, agreed." Leo stood up and rested his body on a wall, leaning against it, and began answering Joseph's questions. "I'm not from this world. My friends and I originate from a planet called Earth..."

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