Chapter 4: Happy Reunions

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Chapter 4: Happy Reunions

Leo couldn't understand why his best friend was attacking him, but for whatever reason he had to defend himself, lest he lose his head. He wanted to disarm Hector without hurting him, but he was lost in a wild rage and assaulted Leo with blow after blow! Leo couldn't believe how fast and strong he had become in such a short time! He could still avoid and block the assault, but he didn't remember Hector being this fast! “Maybe it’s the armor weighing me down.” He thought to himself, yet Leo lost all focus in the fight and Hector managed to catch him off guard and sent a powerful blow to his face.

Leo stumbled towards a tree face first. He turned around in time to see Hector trying to whack him again, and in a quick fluid movement, Leo ducked under Hector's arm, kneed him in the stomach, grabbed him by the shoulder and neck, and flipped him onto his back! Hector stared into Leo's eyes, as he layed on the ground and calmed down. He took a second to analyze his face before realizing that he was actually staring at his best friend.

Hector: "LEO!!! Oh man it's good to see you!!"

Leo: "Yeah that's some welcome... How long have you been in these woods? You look terrible, and you could use a shower, bro."

Leo helped Hector to his feet and dusted him off.

Hector: I'm not sure man... maybe three months? Give or take a week or two..."

Leo gave Hector a shocked, unbelieving look, "What?! Three months!? That's impossible! I just woke up awhile ago!" Then Hector gives Leo a "Fuck You" look and says, "Whatever man you expect me to believe that!? Look at you! You're wearing that outfit, looks like you've been eating well too, and yet you expect me to believe that you just woke up this morning like a newborn baby!? Sabes que te puedes ir al carajo cabron!" (You know what, go to hell bastard!)

Leo: "Hey watch the attitude! Estoy diciéndote la verdad! (I'm telling you the truth!) Shit..." Leo can see that by the look on Hector's face he still didn’t believe him, "Hey believe what you want, but I'm telling the truth. It doesn't make any sense to me either... as for this outfit... I don't know why, when or how but when I woke up I was already wearing it..." Leo gave Hector a worried look, and hoped that his friends would believe him.

"With a confident and calm tone in his voice, Hector spoke softly  "Yeah man I think I've been here for three months more or less, and to tell you the truth I don’t think we’re even on Earth.” Leo looked at Hector like he was the crazy one out of the two of them. “Oh really? How’d you come up with this theory?” Hector points up at the sky and begins to explain, “In case you haven’t noticed the sun sets on the east and rises on the west. I noticed that on my first week in this place. You know how back home when the sun rises, its on your right when you face north, and vice versa when you face south?”  Leo thinks about it for a minute and nods in head in agreement. “Well, here when the sun rises, it rises on my left and it sets on my right. Meaning the sun rises in the west and sets on the east!”

Leo puts Hector’s theory to the test and finds the setting sun through the thick forest canopy. He stands with the sun on his left side, and see’s that Hector is correct. Hector continues his lecture. “This can only mean that either the sun’s gravitational field flipped or Earth began spinning in the opposite direction somehow overnight, which would've been impossible for us to not notice even if we were asleep. Either way that doesn't account for the strange wildlife and vegetation. I don't know what you've seen yet, but I've seen these huge monster gorilla things wandering around similar to the extinct gigantopithecus of Earth, mountain lions that look like buffed up sabertooth tigers like the smilodons but even bigger!!

Plus don't even get me started on how I've figured out what vegetation is safe to eat! There are these huge ass red grape looking berries, get too close to them and they'll release these stun spores that will affect your nervous system for hours. And at night there are these glow in the dark mushrooms and they're real beautiful, but carnivorous man! I've seen these mushrooms take down one of those mountain lion creatures no problem. I've been surviving on scraps from the kills of those beasts and drinking water from inside the trees. I swear its been Hell these past three months... but yeah obviously we're not home anymore. So the question is, "Where are we and how do we get back?"

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