Cast - Notes

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Sakura Haruno - A sixteen-year-old medic who previously worked for the Akatsuki as the eye and ear for Konoha, hence monitoring their motifs. Sakura is a risk taker, willing to do whatever it takes to seek for a good story, adventure, even redemption. Her loyalty to the village is unquestionable. She is Mito's Uzumaki's fifth doppelganger. Until now, she remains "unstable" to Sasuke Uchiha.

Naruto Uzumaki - Konoha's selfless hero and the most powerful Jinchuuriki(having obtained the Nine-tails). He has no idea that Sasuke had been in town due to the many times he was subjected to compulsion. He and Sakura have been best friends ever since.

Sasuke Uchiha - The second survivor of the Uchiha. Sasuke can sometimes be quiet, sometimes his psychotic attitude makes him fluent to sarcasm and viral languages. He wants nothing but the complete destruction of Konoha, until Sakura inspires him to turn over a new leaf. He is in love with her, but he fears the countless enemies behind their back. Sasuke promises to return with a new goal. Up until now he grows attached to his brother Itachi, and still mourns for his death.

Obito Uchiha/Second "Madara" - No longer under the mysterious orange mask, Obito faces the world with fresh new perspectives and is committed to change it. He plans to declare war in five years, as for preparation for the Infinite Tsukoyōmi and the soon-to-be-born baby. He likes to kill for sport. He has a wrist tattoo, where Rin's name is written respectively.

Ino Yamanaka - The living vampire "impure" in town, Ino struggles adjusting with her appetite. She is Sakura's best friend and Shikamaru's. She stopped aging and is weak to the sun, or anything holistic. Ino is usually cheerful and excessively communicative. Being raised as a princess and walks around the village like a Barbie doll, she organizes the projects and festivities, getting the authority to boss around the Rookies. She is sharp and wise, and practices compulsion.

Hinata Hyuga - It is still unknown whether the decision to make Hanabi the rightful heir is final. Hinata has proven herself to be bold and courageous during her trainings. She is Naruto's girlfriend. Hinata is also called a princess of her own due to her unique personality of admiring the beauty in little things, keeping quiet at all times, speaks only when necessary. She has an Inner dark Side just like Sakura and Ino.

Neji Hyuga - Neji Hiroto Hyuga, is the eldest of Konoha 11. He and Shikamaru are the brains of the Leaf. He was tasked to keep Naruto from Hinata in The Next Uchiha that resulted to a bloody duel. Instead of sulking over his fate of watching after his cousin, Neji has grown fund of Hinata and deeply cared for her as a sister. He is a positive-thinker and an independent individual who can rely on his own. He proposed to TenTen at her eighteenth birthday.

Kiba Inuzuka - Kiba is an open-minded and jolly person. He loves making people laugh, and enjoys short-term relationships. The cause of this is still unknown, thus the village naming him "Konoha's Playboy". Kiba is arrogant and impulsive when it comes to his actions; he hates it whenever Konoha faces another crisis and is determined to help. He and Hinata used to be best friends, until they haven't caught up with one another. He has a tattoo somewhere in his body.

Shikamaru Nara - A chainsmoker and supposedly a young parent, what broke Shikamaru was Temari's unexpected miscarriage (Always and Forever, The Next Uchiha). He still heals as of the moment. He is Tsunade's advisor. He is a pure genius, someone who thinks clearly before reacting. Shikamaru is aggravated with the Harvest more than anyone else; he reckons the consequences if Chuunin would be banned of their freedom and are forced to wed for principles, breeding and peace. Of all friendship, his and Ino's are the most well-known and proper.

TenTen - TenTen is an eighteen-year-old Jonin who's come out of her shell as a woman. She is a feminist. People come to her when they're in need of any weapon assistance, assuming she targets her opponents directly to the heart and "never misses". She is loyal to Team Gai and the village. In The Next Uchiha she would be seen in a pair of buns, in The Third Uchiha she'd sometimes wear her hair in a half-ponytail. She left the village to pursue her career and came back a short time later. She is Neji's fiance.

Rin/"Wakana" Hatake - Known as the Little White Fang, Rin's biological parents are Hanare and Kakashi. Hanare hid Rin (even named her after Kakashi's first love) due to her occupation as spy. She sealed away her voice, only it would return after she'd met her own father. She is ten years old, the only first and youngest experiment of Kabuto who survived being an impure. When the Kiri Ninja attempted to kidnap her, Taka arrived, but during that time she became blind. Due to this, her other eye (which she inherited from Kakashi) opened and the other eye remained colorless. Sasuke agreed a deal with Obito to exchange for an Uchiha eye to the little girl, in return, Sasuke, Taka and the Impures would settle for a new hideout in Taki. Wakana has a pair of different eyes--one is from her own, the other was Itachi's.

Chiruka Shiori - Chiruka is considered to be the deadliest impure unleashed, according to Kabuto. Before becoming an impure, Chiruka's natural origin was an ethereal touch that could kill a victim within minutes and seconds. She ran away from her clan at an early age. She has a maroon hair and brown eyes, and she currently wears gloves to prevent herself from killing her allies. Chiruka is openly sarcastic, wants everything to be perfect. She is often referred to as Naughty Succubus.

Hotaru Tokugawa - Half fairy, fully immortal, full vampire, Hotaru is the last of the Three Original Impures. She was sent to the Sand Village to gather information about the Sand's excellent Shinobi and their ally. Not being able to do this, rather being caught in action, Hotaru was kept in prison until she fell in love with the Kazekage. She was Itachi's former lover. Standing 5'2 with golden hair and almost glitter all over her skin, she strives to avenge her extinct clan that was once match for the Hyuga and the Uchiha.

Kabuto - The lonely dreamer, the most powerful sorcerer in the land that has cast the most impossible and undiscovered Jutsu. He has come as Orochimaru's successor. He chooses Sakura to be his apprentice. Despite not having one, Kabuto believes that love is "the most powerful Jutsu". He is Madara's ally though they keep on watching their own backs.


Compulsion - can either refer to as (1) the Sharingan Illusion and the (2) Yamanaka Mind-disturbance Technique.

Sharingan Compulsion is commonly used by Obito Uchiha to erase the memory of a certain living creature. When Hotaru wasn't able to complete her task, Obito erased Gaara's memories of her as punishment. The longetivity of this Genjutsu depends upon the user's practice; it could last for weeks, months, even a lifetime.

The Yamanaka Mind-disturbance Technique is derived from its parental Jutsu, the Mind-peeping Jutsu that allows a Yamanaka user to get inside her target's thoughts. With this secret technique, Ino is able to control a person by manipulating his movements, whatever order is given, the victim obeys. It is much powerful than the Sharingan, since the Sharingan can only erase memories.

An impure is naturally a term used for Vampire, since Kabuto has invented it.

The other surprising things will later be revealed in the book;) - KM 


Date published 6.9.14.

Happy birthday, Itachi!

Reconstructed 10.30.15

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