Chapter 14

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Carlos' POV

        "WHAT?!!!" I could hear my voice echoing throughout the studio as that caught the audiences attention. I quickly stood up from my seat and kicked the chair back from being in so much shock.

        "Carlos...calm down." Kendall tried to calm me down, but there was no way in hell I could calm down after this. 

        "Calm down?! Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I scofted while scratching the back of my head.

        "Carlos..." Logan softly spoke out in a tone that I could tell he wasn't too happy, but he wanted me to calm down as well.

        "Logan, dude. I swear to god..." I began saying.

        "Carlos, I don't know for sure if that's what's just my guess and honestly...I'll probably never know because I was so drunk." James shook his head, he had been pacing back and forth with his hands behind his head; freaking out.  He approached Talia, grabbed her arm, and pulled her over towards us without even asking her. 

        "OUCH! Let me go!" Talia demanded, her voice screeching as she spoke. I made an "ouch" face as I heard her voice and James told her to sit on the seat; Talia hesitantly sat down.

        "What do you want? You owe me money Logan Henderson." She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a huff.

        "Let me ask you something." Logan began saying, unable to even look at her; his eyes were focused on the floor. Talia glanced over at Logan and as hard as it was for me, I stood there trying my hardest not to claw at Talia. 

        "Okay...what did you want to ask?" As she asked that, some reason, it made me calm down a was like the way she spoke made it sound like she actually cared for once; it was weird. I took a deep breath as I picked up the chair I had once knocked over, placed it back up, and sat down waiting for Logan to ask his question.

        "That night that we had sex..." Logan began, I could tell it was hard for him to even ask what he wanted to. 


        "Was it consensual?" Talia tilted her head as if she didn't understand what was just asked.

        "What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes listening to her response.

        "Was the sex consensual?" Logan asked again, his head finally looking up at Talia; his eyes making a split second contact with Talia's before he looked back down at the floor.

        "I-I don't understand what you're asking...I-are you asking if you r- aped me?" Logan shot his head up in obvious annoyment.

        "No! I asked a fucking simple question, so why can't you answer it?" He was clearly frustrated. 

        "Did I say yes or no to having sex with you?" Talia let out a gasp,

        "You're assuming I r- aped you?" Logan clenched his fingers together to form a fist and tried his hardest not to explode.

        "The question is whether or not this was consensual.  Did I agree to it or not?" Before Talia could reply James jumped in,

        "Can you answer that question? That one simple question..." Then Kendall jumped in.

        "Or are we going to have to make you do a lie-detector test again?" He followed his arms and glared at Talia. Logan held his hand up at them implying he wanted to deal with this on his own. When it came to one of the guys, we all had each other's backs, but respected their space when asked. 

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