Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

James’ POV

                I groaned as I placed my head against the table as Talia went ON AND ON about this DNA test.

                “And if I prove to you guys that ONE of you is the father, then I expect money! For the diapers I had to change, the clothes I had to buy, and just because we had a baby…that’s a lot of money!” She just wouldn’t let it go that NONE of us were stupid enough to sleep with her.

                “Can you shut up?!” I yelled out, banging my hands against the table as I shot my head up and glared at her,

                “All I hear is “blah blah blah baby” and honestly, it’s starting to REALLY piss me off! This is so stupid, I think if we had slept with you, we would have known.” Talia glared back at me,

                “Not if you were all drunk! Take the test and prove that you aren’t the father…James!” I could tell she had a bitter tone whenever she said my name; it was as if she hated me or something.

                “I told you, I WOULD take the test.  Can we just sit here for five minutes without hearing you talk about babies? Let us absorb all this information, let us at least think about our lives if we are the father, which I know we aren’t.” I told her, my tone was obviously annoyed.

                “Well, Lisa DOES have your temper and…” She began again, but I quickly interrupted her,

                “STOP! Just stop! What part of that DON’T you understand?!” I was about to lose it, I just wanted to slap her, but I knew it would be wrong.

                “James, calm down man.” Kendall said, looking at me and Carlos patted me on the back,

                “Once we take the test, we’ll know for sure if we are or aren’t the father of this girl.” Kendall said as he smiled some.

                “Yeah, but I just want her to SHUT UP about the baby talk! I just want at least one minute to have time to think for myself, not have some crazy lady shove words into my head making me believe it’s true.” Talia gasped at my words,

                “Crazy lady, huh? I’ll have you know I am NOT crazy and if you wanna see crazy then meet your daugh-” I interrupted her again and got up.

                “That’s it, I’m out of here.  I’d rather kill myself than hear more crap about your “daughter” and how she’s soooo alike to all of us. Does it even occur to you that it’s physically impossible for your “daughter” to look like all four of us?  If you’re so sure that your kid looks like me then fine, I’ll take the test, but when you drag all of us in here like this is some kind of joke, then that’s when you’ve crossed the line!” I made my way towards the door and as I pushed the door open I turned around to look at Talia once more,

                “I’ll prove to you that I’m NOT the father…no one would be stupid enough to get your pregnant. Especially after only meeting you once.” I then continued my way out of the bar.

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