Big Time Baby Daddy's

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Chapter 1

James POV

It was a great night chilling with my three best friends. We got done with filming a couple episodes of our show.  I was super tired from all the singing and dancing that I just wanted to go out with my friends for a couple of drinks.

                “Dude! Your hair!” Carlos pointed out as he laughed a bit causing the other guys to look and laugh.

                “What’s wrong with my hair man?” I asked, trying to find a mirror, but at the same time fixing it.  Kendall patted me on the back and shook his head.

                “There’s nothing wrong with your hair. Like always, its perfect man.” I looked at him and sighed in relief.  Carlos shook his head as we crossed the street to our favorite bar, “Knight’s Bar”.  I opened the door to walk in, the guys followed after me.

                “Hey Maslow!!!” The bartender called out as we entered and took our normal seats.

                “The same thing?” he asked, I nodded.

                “Why does Dave only ever call your name out?” Logan asked a bit jealous.  I chuckled at his question,

                “Maybe it’s because I actually take time to talk to him.” Kendall gave me this weird look and laughed,

                “Or maybe it’s because when you’re drunk you look the stupidest.” I looked at Kendall and frowned,

                “I don’t look that stupid! You’re just jealous.” Carlos laughed,

                “I love how after we’ve been filming all day, once we’re off set, James STILL acts like Diamond.” Kendall and Logan shared a look and laughed,

                “It isn’t my fault that I get so into character that after like ten hours of filming I still feel like him. He IS a part of me you know?”

                “Of course man…” Carlos patted me on the back,

                “Of course.”  He patted me once more on the back before Dave came back with our drinks.

                “Thanks man.” I told him,

                “By the way, Logan wants to know why you don’t call out all our names. It’s because I’m the best right?” Dave laughed and looked at Logan,

                “Hm, maybe it’s because you’re always the first one in.”

                “Well you could take time to say hi to all of us. We feel unloved Dave.” Logan pretended to be sad.        

                “Aw! I’m sorry man, drinks on me then.” Dave replied as he walked back behind the counter.

                “Now you made him feel bad Logie-bear.” I teased Logan, taking a sip of my drink.

                “Well, be happy that we get free drinks.” He answered while checking out a girl.

                “Alright, I got my eyes on a lovely lady.” He said getting up, but before he could go anywhere Kendall grabbed his hand.

                “Really? You’re gonna ditch us AGAIN for some random bar chick?” Kendall asked,

                “What? It’s fun!!” Logan said while dancing.

                “Can you just sit down and enjoy having some relaxing time man?” Carlos asked, sipping some of his beer.

                “THIS is relaxing to me man! Just let me have her?” I turned around to look at the girl and she waved.

                “I think she wants me man, not you. Sorry.” Logan frowned,

                “Nah, she just waved because she noticed you looking. Let me show you how it’s done.”  Kendall shook his head,

                “C’mon, maybe another night. This is our FREE TIME.” Logan sat down and sighed,

                “Alright, alright!” He grabbed his beer and drank some.

                “You guys want to hear a joke?” Carlos randomly asked,

                “Sure, I guess.” We all answered, not really looking forward to one of his normal horrible jokes.

                “Okay, what do you call a cow without legs?” He asked with this most stupid smirk on his face about ready to burst out laughing,

                “What…?” I asked, waiting for his answer.

                “Ground beef!!” He yelled out. I shared a look with Kendall and Logan before shaking my head.

                “I gotta admit, that one is probably one of the best jokes yet.” Kendall said.

                “Thank you. But seriously, what’s up with James’ hair?” I looked at Carlos and gave him a “what?” face before turning to Kendall.

                “Is there something wrong with my hair? Did Stephen cut it while I took a nap? Or did Logan play some prank on me?” Kendall shook his head,

                “Carlos is just messing with you.” Right when Kendall said that, Carlos raised his hand up and messed up my hair.

                “See, this is what I’m talking about.” I grumbled some and shook my head to try and fix it.

                “Uncool man!” I said a bit annoyed,

                “Okay, I’m sorry James Diamond!” He rolled his eyes.  I laughed a bit,

                “I guess I’m a little TOO into character now.” I admitted before ruffling Carlos’ hair.  We all shared a look before we laughed and drank some more.

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