Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 


I had awoken the very next day, thinking about how it would be a beautiful morning and I could go out to skateboard and just chill with the guys.  But after a while of lying in bed, the sun trying to creep its way through my blinds, I remembered that I was going to be on the Maury show with the guys and Talia…the woman who felt the need to involve us all on a national TV show.  Since the hearing of the news that we’d be on the Maury show, the guys and I were all freaking out.  Even though James and Carlos had sworn that they would never cheat on their girlfriends, parts of me were still worried that there was a slight chance they were the father; after all, when you’re drunk your memory isn’t all that great the next day.

            Slowly rolling myself out of bed, I shuffled out of my room, into the bathroom, and got dressed.  As much as I wanted to avoid going on the Maury show, it had to be done in order to prove that I wasn’t the father, plus parts of me was really curious of the results.  I made my way into the living room where the other guys were already sitting and discussing something.

            “Hey guys.” I said before a slight yawn escaped my lips.

            “Morning. You ready for the show?” Kendall asked as I walked to the kitchen to grab myself some cereal for breakfast.

            “I guess…let’s get this over with and done with forever.” I poured some cereal into a bowl and because I was too lazy to pour the milk, I just ate it dry.

            “Well we have to be at the studio at 1 for filming.  So we have about 3 hours to do whatever before we find out the truth.” James said, his eyes looking at his watch to see the time.  It was a good thing we were on hiatus from the show or else this would have been something really awkward to tell the producers…don’t get me wrong, we’re going to tell them before they end up seeing it all over the internet and the TV, but we were definitely going to say something after all of this was over with.

            Three hours had passed by so quickly and now the guys and I had to head to the Maury show studio…the moment we were all dreading.  It was funny how we were all scared even though we were positive that we weren’t that baby’s father.  I suppose in some ways, we were actually scared for one another and maybe even parts of us were worried that we could be the father.  Walking into the studio, the producer had told us what we had to do; when to walk onto the stage, our cues, and they even advised us to try our best to cause drama.  As they told us that, Carlos rolled his eyes and said, “This is already so dramatic.  I’m pretty sure that won’t be hard to do.” For the first few minutes, we were all taken outside to shoot a short intro clip that would be shown to the audience where we had to claim what happened and how we weren’t the fathers.

            Finally the show had started, it began with Maury talking about Talia, how she was a single mom with a 3 day old baby named Lisa and then for the drama Maury added “She claims that the man of her baby won’t step up to help her pay for child support even though they know they’re the father.” The crowd all booed at this.  Maury then said “Please welcome Talia out.” And that was Talia’s cue to leave, but before she headed onto the stage, she turned to look at me and whispered “Good luck out there baby.” And then ran out on stage.  My jaw dropped at that, she acted like this was a joke to her; not that that was a surprise to me, but it was just shocking how stupid she was being. 

            “So tell us what’s going on Talia.” Maury began speaking to Talia, who was now sitting on the chair that was provided for the people that would be on the stage.

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