Chapter 13

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 James' POV

The guys and I had all sat in disbelief at what we just heard; we were just at a loss for words. 

Lemme rewind the story to inform you guys what happened...

<< Rewind <<

        "In the case of 3 day old Lisa, Logan Henderson..." Maury kept us all in suspence just to make things more dramatic than it needed to me.

        "OH! C'MON!" I yelled out, not realizing that I had. Maury gave me a glance before turning to look at the card again,

        "Logan Henderson, you ARE the father!" The whole crowd gasped and Logan's eyes shot open in shock.

        "What?!" Logan shouted as Talia turned her head to look at Logan and flashed him a smirk.

        "No way! There has to be some kind of mistake!" Logan walked over towards Maury, grabbed the cards, and looked at it; his hands were shaking.  He slowly lowered the cards and just stared off as if he had just witnessed something bad.

        "Logan?" Kendall called out, but at this point Logan had looked like he was completely out of it. 

        "Logan!" Carlos called after as they approached him; I followed after them.  Kendall placed his hand onto Logan's back and gently led him back to the chair for him to sit down.

        "Take a deep breath. In and out." Kendall instructed. Logan was still staring and he hadn't blinked his eyes once.

        "Logan! C'mon man." I said to him, pulling up the chair I once sat on, and sat down next to him.  I clapped my hands a few times in front of his face hoping that would snap him out of his trance, but it failed.

        "I-I don't believe it..." Logan finally whispered out.  The audience just sat there watching like we were zoo animals or something while Talia was doing a happy dance on the stage. 

        "How is this possible?" Logan whispered again,

        "Lemme see that." Carlos grabbed the card out of Logan's hand without warning and read the card.

        "Logan Henderson...blah blah blah..." Carlos began mumbling what the card said and then made a face.

        "Yeah, it definitely says you're the father." Kendall and I glared at Carlos and I shook my head.

        "Carlos!" I scolded him.

        "What?!" Carlos retorted,

        "I was just making sure it was accurate!" Carlos crumpled up the card and just tossed it to the side. 

        "C'mon man, we'll get through this." Kendall tried to reassure Logan, but all Logan did was shake his head.

        "How is this possible?" He asked, his hands against his lap.

        "How is it possible?" He repeated, as if trying to figure something out.

        "Shit, I think he's onto something." I said after noticing the look on his face. Logan began stroking his chin,

        "That's his thinking face!" Kendall shouted as he jumped back some and pointed at him. 

        "It's so weird..." Logan began; leaning back against the chair.

        "Spit it out already!" Carlos shouted.

        "How is it that I don't even remember talking at that bar? I-I mean, I know I was drunk, but you'd think I would have woken up and noticed the environment around me..." Logan scratched his head,

        "I mean, blackouts are common when drunk, but when I woke up the next morning, I wasn't naked nor was I at Talia's place. I mean, she could have came over to our place, but would she have dressed me back up? She would have been drunk as well.  Perhaps too drunk to go back to her place quickly right after. " Listening to Logan say all this, suddenly made me feel like I was watching a detective show. 

        "Unless she stayed overnight." Kendall brought up which made Logan think some more.

        "That's what I was thinking, but if she were drunk, she would have had a tough time getting up from the bright light and sounds and whatever else." 

        "But we don't know if she was drunk." I made a valid point. 

        "That's true, but we're only assuming. I just can't figure out how I woke up with clothes on.  I remember the next day very clearly.  I woke up with clothes on and had this massive headache, but all I remember about the day before was hanging out with you guys and Talia.  I danced with her, but I don't remember asking her to come home with me." Logan just kept going on and on about this and after a while I just wanted him to get to the point; I wanted him to solve this mystery.  Logan closed his eyes and while he did this, I looked up at the audience who were sitting there waiting for the next couple.  Talia was nowhere to be seen on stage and the stage director was giving instructions out on how to reset up the stage for the next couple who would be appearing on this show. 

        "If Talia wasn't drunk..." Logan began,

        "If she wasn't drunk..." Logan repeated,

      "If she wasn't..." Logan was about to say it again until he let out a loud gasp.  This made me turn my attention back to Logan because I was scared something had happened to him in those few seconds I had turned away to look around. 

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