Eyes make their peace in difficulties (Divergent AU)

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Warning for a possibility of inaccuracies on Divergent knowledge and another warning because my English has gotten rusty so please forgive me for any mistakes.

Eyes make their peace in difficulties (Divergent AU)

Today is the day of his aptitude test. Harold is nervous. Of course he is, he doesn't know what to expect because no one is allowed to tell what happens when you take your aptitude test. And it will decide his future, who he's going to be for the rest of his life. On one hand, he doesn't want to leave his family but on the other hand, he doesn't think he fits in with the peace-loving musicians from Amity.

"Harold, darling, stop fidgeting", his mother smiles and she puts a hand on his leg which is bouncing up and down. 

"Sorry Mum", he mumbles and he keeps his leg still. At least, he tries. His mother gives him a sideways hug and puts another piece of bread in his hand. His sister, Gemma, smiles mysteriously at him. Whether it's supposed to be encouraging or not, it doesn't work. He starts bouncing his leg again and catches the eye of his friend, Ashton, across the room. Ashton doesn't look nervous but Harold has no doubt Ashton will stay in Amity.

He's everything a member of Amity is supposed to be. According to Harold, that is.

After breakfast, he takes the bus to school with Ashton and Niall, another Amity boy. He's very tempted to get up when an old lady steps onto the bus but several Abnegation kids beat him to it. The lady thanks them and takes a seat. 

The boy who has given up his seat looks up when he feels Harold looking at him. Not at all like other Abnegation kids, he doesn't cast his eyes to the ground immediately but instead stares back with piercing blue eyes. It confuses Harold. Why does the kid do that? Aren't Abnegation supposed to only stick to themselves? Or is that just an idea he got because it's mostly what the Abnegation do because no one really talks to them? He doesn't know. And he doesn't want to know either, he tells himself. So he looks away.

Much too soon, they arrive at school and get off the bus. All the kids who are sixteen and have to take their aptitude test need to wait in the school cafetaria for their names to be called. Harold knows it's going to be a while because his last name starts with a S.

They get a lecture on how they are the future of the faction system and, judging from the woman's voice, she's given this talk at least twenty times.

And she starts calling off their names. "Maisie Andrews, Richard Armitage, Regulus Black, Elliot Brown..." The initial excitement in the cafetaria dies down after a couple of minutes. The Dauntless are becoming increasingly noisier in their card game and Harold can't decide if he wants to be a part of them or if it's annoying. So he ignores them and his confusion and chats with Ashton and Niall instead. 

Suddenly, he feels stared at and when he turns around, he sees the boy from the bus looking at him from the Abnegation table. Him again. Why is he looking at Harold? 

He expects the boy to look away as soon as he's caught staring but instead, the boy winks before continuing to talk in a hushed tone with the girl next to him. 

"Harold, why are you looking at the Abnegation table? It's not like they're gonna say hi or anything." Niall snickers at his own joke. 

"Hey, be nice", Ashton scolds. Niall doesn't get to reply because his name is called, together with Ashton and a couple of other kids. 

"Good luck!" Harold calls after them and they disappear into in a special part of the building, built only for the aptitude tests. Minutes go by and Harold wonders how his friends did, what their results are. Will they stay in Amity? Transfer to another faction? 

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