Eventful nights (at the museum) {Night at the Museum/One Direction crossover}

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Wordcount: 7674 words.

Eventful nights (at the museum)

-Set in the year 2073 - Madame Tussauds - "Welcome, Mr Styles. Thank you for applying to the job as night guard. We don't have many employees these days." The man gave Harry a warm smile. Harry thought his name was Mr Anderson. "It's better than working at the zoo. At least you don't have to feed the wax figures", Harry joked. The smile slipped off Mr Anderson's face, but was quickly replaced by a seemingly forced one. "Of course wax figures cannot be alive, Mr Styles. Don't be silly."

Why did Harry get the feeling he had just been scolded by the man? "So, let's give you a little tour around the museum, shall we?" Harry nodded eagerly. He couldn't wait to see all the figures of people that had made it into history books since the twentieth century. "Eve, give the new night guard a tour around."

Harry decided he did not like this man. Did he feel too good to give the new night guard a small tour himself? "I have a museum to run!" He waved his arms around and walked off, only to stop and talk to a visitor.

Ah yes, it must be very hard work, letting your employees run your museum.

A small girl with long, curly, blonde hair and big baby blue eyes approached Harry carefully. "Are you the new night guard?" Harry nodded. "Ah, good. I'm Evanna, one of the tour guides. Anderson always gets my name wrong." He shook her hand. "I'm Harry. I still don't understand why he needs a night                                                            guard. It's not like those wax figures are tempted to run away at night." Evanna let out a laugh. "They are not indeed. Come on, I'll show you around."

She led him past a few rooms, telling they weren't really that interesting: only the royal family and some old super heroes. They arrived at a fairly small area. "Those are mostly politicians, but the room is officially titled as World Leaders. They're rather boring, but we do have Nelson Mandela. This room is the least popular. But I personally like the next room. Come on!" Harry caught a glimpse of Barack Obama's statue. He knew Obama was the first American president to legalize same-sex marriage in all of the United States and made a mental note to visit his statue one day. When it wasn’t dark.

Evanna led him out of the room. "These are from Hollywood, all actors and actresses", she said, opening the massive, wooden doors that gave access to a rather large room. "Is that-?" "Emma Watson? Yeah. Her figure was revealed in 2013. Luckily, we found a way to preserve the old figures. They're rather accurate. She was an amazing actress, starred in tons of movies. The Harry Potter-series, for example, and the Perks of being a Wallflower. I wish I could've met her." Evanna sighed deeply.

Harry examined the wax figure. It was, like Evanna said, rather accurate. Of course Harry had seen pictures of Emma Watson when she was about twenty-two years old, and the wax figure looked like her a lot.

"Come on, let's go to the next one." She skipped ahead of him, closing the massive, wooden doors once again. Harry noticed that the museum was almost clear of visitors. It must have been around closing time. Large, colourful doors hid the last room from sight. There were musical notes painted on the door and Harry knew it was the room with musicians. Evanna opened the doors and a large, brightly lit room was revealed. "Those are all musicians. Over there is Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen. They've been really important for the music industry. The cute ginger guy over there is Ed Sheeran. He made beautiful music."

Harry didn't know where to look first. A lot of his idols were standing in the same room as him, albeit as wax figures. "And those four blokes are also rather popular, especially with teenage girls. Their music wasn't necessarily that legendary, but they once were the most famous boy band in the world. That's why they have statues." "One Direction", Harry said. "You know them?" Evanna asked bemused. "Yeah." He blushed. "They have some decent music. The way they died is pretty sad, though."

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