I Saw You

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There's nothing worse than having words unsaid and knowing you won't ever get the opportunity to say them at all. The feeling weighing so heavy in the heart, but only able to cry and scream for it.

Too young to know what love is, they said, but if only they knew that what they felt for each other was honest.

She had always heard of it happening, but she never thought it would happen to her. Small town, small school, small family, yet her love for him was bigger than anything. Her father couldn't understand, he didn't want his little girl with someone he couldn't afford to even get to know. He wanted the best for his daughter, thinking he knew what it was, not thinking of what it may cause.

She loved him, he loved her, that was all it mattered. They were in their senior year, both wanting to go to college but without saying it, she wanted him in his life. It wouldn't be living if he wasn't in it, was what she would always think. But she was too scared to actually let him know, thinking that his love wasn't as big as hers. They were best friends before anything else. Everyone could see the love they had for each other, their friends wished them the best.

They spent so much time together, it wouldn't feel right if a day would go by without one another. She could handle the disagreements with her father, she could handle the fights with him, but she never thought she would have to learn to handle the pain she felt at not having him with her anymore.

She can still remember that day in which she asked him what he saw in his future, his answer was able to bring out a smile on her lips. She too saw him in her future, but unlike him she didn't tell him that. It pained her to go to school, seeing all those faces turn to her, giving her the pity look. She hated how small the town was that everyone knew. She couldn't handle it, she didn't want to handle it. Not without him.

How she yearned to tell him all the words she left unspoken, to be able to get the opportunity to tell him how she truly felt. How she hates herself for not realizing how stupid she was in keeping her love to him a secret. She hated the fact that she had him, that he expressed his feelings and she didn't.

She hated that she felt alone, as if a part of her world had fallen apart. She couldn't believe it at first, she didn't want to. She blamed her father. She wanted someone to blame. She had so much to tell him, and yet she kept it all inside. She hurt. She didn't know how to continue living without him.

Everywhere she would go, she would remember him. How could she not when they had spent so much time together. It hurt her seeing him walk away, not knowing what could have been.

She got up from the floor and she ran. She ran after him. She ran until she got to where the accident had happened. She dropped next to the road, next to where his cross laid. She dropped in defeat crying over him.

Thinking back to his question about what she saw in her future, she finally said out loud that she saw him too. She touched her stomach, looking down to the only strength she had to continue living.

"I saw you," she whispered sadly as tears came out, knowing she will never get the chance to tell him in person ever again.

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