Lost Souls

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Her eyes were void, her face blank, and her heart was numb. She was filled with guilt and nothing nor anyone could change that. She feared for a knock on the door and behind that door, a well dressed man with his hat in his hand and his expression somber. She would have expected another handsome man behind the first one, but this man would have a folded flag. She feared that these two mens would give her the worst news she could ever bear to hear. It was a fear she lived with constantly.

She would have never imagined that those events would never come to be a reality, she never imagined that SHE would be the cause of the biggest tragedy that would not only end a life, but end hers as well.

She was married to a man who dedicated most of his time to his country. He was from the Army, and so in love with his wife, as she was of him. She always had to live with the fear of never seeing him again or even hearing from him at all. She hated when he was sent off to protect his country, but she also loved him for his dedication and passion. She herself doesn't even comprehend how she started having an affair while his husband was away. She knew she loved him with all his heart and yet there she was flirting with this man who gave her the attention that unfortunately her husband lacked on giving her. Not because he didn't want to, just because he wasn't around long enough to show her his love. This man was always there for her, always giving her the satisfaction she craved and couldn't get from her husband. But she didn't love this man, she just liked the company and how he was able to fill a void she would get when her husband wouldn't be around. It started small, a little flirt here and a little flirt there, it then started getting even bigger like going out to eat or even to the bar, until finally it started happening all together. Kisses here and there and not too long later they would consume each other. It was one unfaithful day in which she had brought her lover into her home going about what had become the usual. Little did she know that that day would change her life completely.

It had been that day, in which her husband had wanted to surprise his wife, buying her flowers on his way home and getting on the bus with the brightest smile of all. When his destination arrived he bid his farewells from the driver with that same smile that he had since he got in the bus. He walked right to the door and seeing it open as always he walked in. He searched the kitchen, the garden, the living, and finally decided to go up into their room in hopes to find her there. And indeed he found her, just not in the way he would have liked to have.

There he stood in front of the cracked door with the view of his wife with a bra on top of another half dressed man. He couldn't believe his eyes, he dropped the flowers in shock. The noise of flowers being dropped were heard from her and she turned to look at her shocked husband in shock. She got off the man and tried to ran towards her husband but he was faster, he had turned so fast and walked right out the door before she could say a word. She went after him screaming for him to listen to her, to come back to her, she wanted to explain things. But he didn't want to listen at all, he just wanted to erase what he had just seen and forget about it all.

He went to the nearest bar and drank away his pain, he drank and drank until he couldn't even remember his name. He couldn't stand the pain he was feeling, it was an intense feeling, more painful than what he had seen at war. That was what he tried to drink away, the pain and his memory of her. It was a small town, once they saw him drinking day and night, they knew he had found out about the affair. The people could only feel sorry for him.

He became aggressive, an alcoholic, a bitter person who couldn't find it in himself to live on. He was at the fact he still loved her, but couldn't find it in himself to forgive her nor to trust her again. It had been one drunken night in which he took the decision. He took out a piece of paper, writing down that he would love her until his last breath. He couldn't stop the tears from escaping his eyes, he then continued to take long sips from his bottle only to then produce his pistol and with one whiskey bottle in one hand, the note on his lap, and the pistol against his head, he finally pulled the trigger, effectively ending his misery.

The shot rang loud, the bottle smashing on the ground, and with just enough time to grasp the note to his chest before he lost his life. He was buried as any great soldier would.

With the wife feeling a great guilt in her shoulders. She blamed herself. Blamed herself for being weak, for not being able to find him in time, for not being able to give him an explanation. She lost a part of herself the moment he walked out on her. This time he didn't go to war, but it sure felt like they were heading there.

She too started drinking, trying to cover the smell of her breath. Nobody knew how much she hated herself. She had turned into a walking corpse, hating every minute of her life. She would visit his grave and just cry hard for hours. The town would whisper about her, knowing fully well she was the reason behind her husband's death. She would see the judgment in their eyes and she could only agree with them. She thought that if she drank enough, she could forget about her mistakes, about his misery caused by her, about his death.

Finally came a day in which she had lost all the strength to keep living, taking his picture in her hand, the whiskey in the other, she searched for the pistol kept in the night stand and pulled the trigger, knowing she couldn't continue life any more. She was buried next to him, maybe in the afterlife they would come to find peace with one another.

All that was known was the fact that both lost themselves that day only to end their lives shortly after.

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