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Based on a song

It's a harsh reality to see, but not only are we bullied at school, in public, but also at home and sometimes by the people we thought would be there for us, care for us, love us, and give us that protection we sometimes need...embrace us with their love and warmth. Sometimes it's them that harms us, it sucks for many multiple reasons. It's true that it happens, it can even be happening to you, but what they do is not right and it needs to be stopped.... The sad thing, is that it happens to all kids of all races and ages, boys and girls. Like the story a 6 year old girl, Angel.

Angel, a 6 year old girl, lives in a decent house not far from school. She always wears the same long sleeve dress to cover up the bruises. She walks to school carrying the lunch she packed, enjoying her walk as much as she can. Nobody knows what she's holding back. As she is in class doing her work, her sleeve rises above a bit, to the point where her bruises are able to be seen. The teacher wonders as she sees the bruises but she doesn't ask, her teacher had never been able to notice the sadness in Angel, especially when she's always with a mask on, she's always playing alone during recess, just walking around, talking to no one. Nobody knows the secret she hides to herself, nobody knows the wishes she wishes at night, like the one where she wishes she was never born, what could have happened to her to make her wish that way. She's in pain, in a world where there is only storms, where her days and nights are always raining and there is no sunlight to help her find a way out. This day however is a bit different as she had made a friend and for the first time she doesn't struggle to smile, because her smile is genuine and all because of that one boy that talked to her and became her friend. It was funny how all these years that young boy had been shy to talk to Angel and all those years he lived right besides her, he was his neighbor and they hadn't known since now. Angel was so happy especially when their rooms where in front of each other. Angel was finally getting some sunlight into her life, for once in her life she was being happy. She usually falls asleep crying most of the nights and somehow she knew this day was going to be different. As school ended, Angel and Esteban, her neighbor and new best friend, walk home together. As she arrives home she is lucky to find the house alone and is able to go up to her room without any attention that might get her hurt. She does her homework and once done she opens her window as Esteban and her had agreed to talk after homework was done. Once the window was open she could see that Esteban had already his opened and was waiting for her. She was finally happy, after all her life, after all that rain that had cause a storm for all these years, finally some sunshine was coming out. She had been so strong to stand that storm all by her self, she was a strong girl and anybody who had known her would've thought the same. Angel was so happy for once, that she had forgotten to do her chores and hadn't noticed that it had gotten dark already, although she was happy, there was something bugging her and it was the fact that she was holding a secret that she wanted to share with her new best friend, but she was scared....scared that he wasn't going to be her friend anymore, that he was going to judge her. After all she was just a little girl, a 6 year old to be exact. As she had decided to tell her new friend her secret, her mother came into the room furious. Angel's Mom was not only furious, but she was drunk too, like every other day, today is not so different after all. Her Mother grabs Angel  by the arm and starts yelling at her, cursing at her, telling her how much of a mistake she has been and how Angel has ruined her life. Angel has tears in her eyes and the tears slowly start to fall down her cheeks, she stays silent and remembers that Esteban was just a window away watching and hearing, she turns to look at Esteban, and what she sees makes her tears turn into a waterfall, her tears come faster and harsher like waves from an upset ocean. Esteban looks terrified, not sure what to do, Angel saw how he looked and finally turned away from him, she was thinking that Esteban wasn't going to talk to her no more, that she had lost a friend that she had barely made that same day. Angel is so lost in pain that she didn't notice as her Mother takes her with her, away from the window and only to throw her against the wall and kick her. Angel looses her breath for a while, she's in pain, and now not only is she crying but now she is crying loudly, screaming for her mother to stop. The neighbors hear, but they just turn off the lights, they don't know that tomorrow might be too late for that little Angel. Her mother ignores her cries and screams, she is drunk and mad, at her life, mad at Angel for "ruining" things, mad because Angel hadn't done her chores, she was blind by madness and there was so much fire and burning in her that there wasn't any hope that could reach her heart, her mind, her eyes, there was nothing that was going to stop Angel's Mom from beating her own daughter up. Angel still laid in the floor, this time her cries weren't as loud as they had been minutes ago, there was barely any sound coming from Angel, only the tears that rolled down her cheeks silently, even her tears were giving up, even her tears were getting tired, as they had also stopped coming so fast and they were rolling down slowly and silently. Angel was getting tired, the darkness was calling for her, telling her to close her and let the pain go away. The darkness was calling her name, telling her it was time to go to a better place, a place she had always been dreaming of and Angel slowly was caving in to the darkness, loosing consciousness, she wanted to feel free, she didn't want to feel the pain anymore, she was tired of fighting and with those thoughts, she decided to close her eyes, that's when her body went limp and although the mother didn't notice this, Angel's mom kept kicking her, in the stomach, in her legs, and she was also able to get a good kick in the head, since Angel went limp her arms that were covering her head, dropped and that's how the kick got Angel real good in the head.Esteban hadn't waited long to tell his parents what was going on, after witnessing how Angel's Mom had thrown Angel to the wall, he had gone straight to his parents to tell them. The parents called the police, they had no idea that they were going to be too late, after making the call to the police they all went next door, they knocked, they banged and all they were able to hear were Angel's Mom screams and a faint cry that would leave Angel's mouth once in a while. They tried to open the door, it was too hard to open though, it was locked. Esteban and his parents didn't have any other choice but to pray and wait for the police to arrive. As they wait they aren't able to hear Angel's cries no more, of course that is when she had finally given up, they were hoping and praying she was ok, only if they knew that her life was hanging in a thin thread. The police finally arrives, they try knocking and even threatening the Mom and when they see nothing is working, they break the door, one shot, two shots, when the door is finally open, the officers run upstairs to where Angel's Mom screams can be still heard, as they enter the room, they see the Mother kicking the unconscious girl laying in the floor. An officer grabs the Mother and gets her away from her daughter, that way she won't be able to hurt her anymore, another officer goes to the rescue of the young girl, he checks her neck pulse and notices it's extremely faint and slow and every minute it beats slower and slower, they call the over the paramedics. Esteban and his parents wait outside, hoping and waiting for any news that Angel might be fine and still breathing. Little did they know that Angel was in a dangerous state and might even loose her life. Esteban's mother had tears streaming down her cheeks while her husband hugged her tight and tried to console her. Other neighbors at hearing the gun shots gathered around to watch what was happening, Those that had turned off their lights and hadn't even bother to find out where does cries where coming from and the reason for them were feeling regretful. Finally, an officer had handcuffed Angel's Mom and was walking her to the police car. Angel's Mom was still drunk that she wasn't fully aware of what was going on around her, all she knew was that she was furious with everything and kicking her daughter helped get some anger out. After the heartless Mother was put into the police car, next cam the paramedics carrying Angel in a bed. Neighbors gasped at the sight of Angel, she was disfigured, she had bruises everywhere, Her eyes were both swollen, her nose looked broken, her lips were split, there was blood everywhere, but mostly what they noticed was that she was barely breathing, her chest was barely moving, she was unconscious. Many of the people that were crowded around felt their eyes getting watery. The paramedics were able to get her on the ambulance and they started attaching her to machines, trying to keep her alive, giving her as much oxygen as her little body would allow. She had no family left for her, the only family she had was her mother and she was going to be taken to prison, Esteban's mother noticed this and she decided to ride in the ambulance with the little girl. They weren't even half way to the hospital when Angel's heart beat went straight, no beats, no ups and downs, just a straight line indicating she had given up with life and the pain. She had passed away. The paramedics tried to get her back, but they failed. As Esteban's Mother saw this, her heart was racing fast, her tears were falling faster and she had broken down, seeing a young little girl die right in front of her was not something she had experienced before or a feeling she ever wanted to feel again. They had lost Angel and although they tried to get her back, it was no use, she wasn't coming back, Angel didn't want to feel pain anymore, she just wanted peace and for once in her life she got it. Esteban's Mom promised the un-moving body of Angel that she was going to have a funeral and everyone was going to know what a strong girl she had been. When the news reached Esteban's ears, he broke down crying, blaming himself for not reacting fast enough, for not being able to do much more, but he's just a little boy, a 6 year old, he had no fault of anything. Days passed and Esteban's Mother accomplished her promise, Angel had a funeral and many people went, her tombstone stood in a shaded place, her name written in a polish rock, underneath her name also read, "Concrete Angel, a strong girl that made it for many years". Many people might have forgotten about her, but Esteban and his parents will always cherish her and carry her in their hearts, they will never forget her. This was the story of a 6 year old's death, Angel.

Don't be a bystander, if you know something wrong is going on don't let it continue, don't let it get the same result Angel got, because trust me you will regret not being able to save a life, it doesn't matter the age, you can save a life from a young person to an old person, Don't let them be mistreated no one deserves such feelings and pain.

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