God don't forgive this

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***A note: I want to let the readers know that when I wrote this I was in my teen years, probably around 14. I have met people who have made me think more about this topic and I just want to say that although I may not support it 100% I am no one to judge because everybody has a story behind their reasoning and I also understand why many may be against it, but we should also support others when they most need us. Not everyone will agree with you but those that even when don't support it are there for you, it makes a HUGE difference to that person who is probably already being judged and going through a lot. I was thinking about editing my original note, but I want people to see it because when we learn about a topic we can open our minds a little bit more about it and people who read this right will not leave hateful comments on this story.***


How many of you are against abortions?? I know very damn well I am! This story is about abortion. On how wrong it is. You cant just take a life of a baby just like that. Its one thing if you lost it...its another if you took away its life. This is a guys perspective writing to her ex-love and how he feels.

What you have done God wont forgive it. You have taken away the life of a kid without a reason. He could've been a singer a soccer player or something else...but we wont find out...cuz you have killed him. How could you have ever even thought about?! You have killed our son. There were problem between us...he didn't have any of the fault...it was because of our bad relationship...you say that a baby shouldn't be brought to life in the poor to suffer...you say that you are sorry but that you didn't want to be the mother of what was a mistake...that's why I blame you, for everything you have an excuse! You have no heart! Oh God! That which you have done God wont forgive. Its just a pain to even think about it. With all your ignorance it makes me want to cry..you had promised me a kid to later abort it..she could've been a model or someone important like the others...but we wont find out!! Cuz you have no feelings!!! You have killed my love and a baby you had inside you!! Cuz you have disappointed me our love has died...thats why we are how we are now. I didn't even get to know if it was a bot or a girl. I wanted to be a father and you have taken that away from me. You could've given birth to someone who would have made a change in the world to someone who could've made us happy, change our life's forever.

That kid had no fault of our decisions. I was willing to keep it, be a parent to it, raise it alone even but I don't even get that...thanks to you! You have no heart, no soul, no feelings!!! Girls like you should be punished! Im pretty sure you at least like your life, I bet you wouldn't have wanted your mother to abort you so why do it to our baby?...

Its a very short story yet very true, the guy is actually true to his feelings about the baby and the situation. And I agree with him...there is no reason why a human being should be killed without giving it a chance. Hope ya liked it though.

P.S. Just so you guys know, I am not trying to push anyone into thinking anything, I am not trying to persuade anyone from changing their minds on what THEY believe is right or wrong. This is only my opinion on the situation and everybody has the right to think otherwise, to even disagree with what I believe. But my intention is mainly to write a story in which interest yet in a way informs the readers. It's the way I see it, I don't agree with abortion but some of ya can believe it, and that's fine. I am just trying to clear any misunderstanding. Continue on. 

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