Chapter Nine "The Fight"

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A surprised expression lit up on Sarah's face as she watched Nancy move from out of the bushes. Her short dark hair flicked out flawlessly, an aftereffect of skilled use of GHDs and her make-up was perfect. She wore purple lipstick, and dressed for the most part black showing that she's a proud goth. The witch laughed, but it was a dark and humorless sound. The girls couldn't believe what they saw.

Sarah was so stunned, she couldn't speak for a moment. But at the same time, she couldn't understand her feelings. She felt scared, but somewhat relieved to see her old friend.

Rochelle and Bonnie got in front of Sarah to protect her. They spread their arms, expecting Nancy to attack. Nancy slowly walked towards the girls, then used her powers to push them harshly to the ground.

"Bonnie! Rochelle!" Sarah yelled, kneeling to the ground. She scowled at Nancy and helped up her friends.

Sarah glanced around as a shadow popped out from behind and punched her. It was Nancy. Sarah swung to fight back just for the other witch to hit her away using her powers. She gazed upward as Nancy's outline showed up. With the wave of her hand, she knocked Sarah into the cold hard ground.

She looked down at her and snickered. "Don't you ever learn, Sarah? I will always be more powerful than you. All of you!"

Sarah's vision quickly went away as she held her head. Rochelle quickly ran over to Sarah and placed her hand on her wound. Using her powers, she welded the skin close despite the fact that it hurt and Sarah could have easily passed out.

Carefully, Sarah stood up and gained her posture back. She looked over at Nancy.

"You should probably rethink that." Sarah said, before using her powers to throw the other witch against a tree. Nancy had opened her mouth to say something when she groaned in pain and got off from the ground. She dusted herself off and glared at Sarah.

"You're going to regret that." Nancy said, then ran away from their camp.

The girls stood stunned for several minutes. They were trying to process everything that just happen. Nancy has escaped, and she found them.

"Why didn't she kill us? We're at our most vulnerable!" Bonnie said.

"She's got something planned for us. I know it." Sarah replied, her breathing was shaky.

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