Chapter Seven "Ours Is The Power"

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"I knew you'd come." Lirio talked in her delicate accent. Nancy strolled into the shop and set materials on the table pivotal to the spell she and Lirio were going to cast. On the table were candles, precious stones, incense, cannabis, and other herbs.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Lirio whispered. Nancy glanced at all the basics. She considered for a minute before shrugging.

"The spell book." Lirio hauled out a Book Of Shadows and set it infront of Nancy.

"Shit, it's huge." Nancy admired the pleasant leather binding of the spell book.

"Now, we mustn't dawdle. We have to do this before sunrise." Lirio said. Nancy nodded and killed every one of the lights. She lit the wick of each candle and remained sitting opposite the older witch. Lirio put every one of the materials in position and sat tight for Nancy to start.

"Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power." Nancy repeated again and again, her voice cracking each and every time. Chanting built spiritual energy and astral power all together for Nancy and Lirio to cast the spell. Lirio held Nancy's hands and repeated after her.

"Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power." Nancy breathed in through her nostrils and breathed out. Her eyes firmly shut and her pale arms shaking with expectation. The air was cold, but her body was much colder. She grinned wide as she noticed the spell was working. Nancy could feel a jolt of energy race through her whole body. It was not at all like anything she's felt before. Suddenly, a vision flashed before her eyes. She stood before Sarah, Rochelle and Bonnie.

"Now is the time.' Nancy thought to herself.

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