Chapter Five "The Ritual"

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Nancy Downs stood at a transport stop downtown, taking big puffs from a cigarette. She wore a bleach blonde wig and her face was caked with cosmetics. On her torso was a trench coat far too huge for her small body. Nancy was almost unrecognizable. She couldn't deal with getting captured and backpedaling to the metal institution.

Before long, it was past midnight, which means every one of the crazies are out. She gazed intently at each and every individual around her.

As a bus pulled up, she drew one final puff from her cigarette, tossed it down and stomped over it as she got on the transport. She gave the driver a couple dollar bills and walked to the back of the vehicle. She was distant from everyone else. Nancy had plans to go back to her mom's home, however she soon realized the police may investigate there. Sitting alone on the transport, Nancy pondered where she would go from that point. She couldn't stop thinking about her old companions Bonnie, Rochelle, and Sarah. She knows she's lost them, and she understands what she's done. Of course, she has to expect the worse.

In the wake of getting off the bus, Nancy walked on, dragging her little feet ahead. Her destination? No place. She walked and walked until the point when she all of a sudden chanced upon somebody. Nancy tumbled to the ground accidentally. Before her was Lirio, owner of the occult store she and her friends used to shop at. Very quickly, the older witch recognized Nancy. She connected her hand and pulled the younger girl off the ground.

"Do watch your step. Especially at night." Lirio said delicately, not blinking once. Nancy scowled at Lirio, however then got a thought. Since she had lost her powers, why not get a little assistance from an accomplished witch?

"Listen woman, I know you know my who I am. I changed. I'm a good witch now. I'll demonstrate it to you, I just need you to help me recover my power." Nancy lied to the more experienced witch. Lirio delayed for a minute to think.

"How might this benefit me?" She inquired.

Nancy took a gander at her and stated, "I'll do anything." They both remained silent for a minute.

"I require assistance from another kindred witch. My dad as of late passed away. It wasn't up to this point I understood I wasn't a decent little girl. I never kept in touch with him letters, never addressed his calls... I never disclosed to him I loved him, in a while. I need reassurance that he forgives me. I have to apologize to him. So Miss Downs, will you finish a forgiveness ritual with me? It's called Ho'oponopono." Lirio asked delicately. Nancy smiled wide and nodded.

All together for it to work, the girls must feel sorry. For Lirio, she feels only regret. In the shop, Lirio turned the "Open" sign to "Close" and killed each one of the lights. She lit a few candles and put it around her work zone. She called for her dad, just to be pushed back by a power so solid it can't be penetrated.

At first, Nancy thought it was a fairly straightforward ritual, however even the scarcest assortments made extraordinary outcomes. She motioned to Lirio, yet getting no reaction. Staggered, Lirio layed on the ground. She feels stunned. She feels cold. She can't effectively secure her friend. She can't do anything at all as icy hands proceeded down her skin. She could smell iron from a certain spirit. Her tears tumble down, spilling through her cheeks. She feels awful with the way that she can't do or say anything.

Out of the blue, Nancy ran towards Lirio and pulled her aside. Lirio began to recover her posture, and she could scarcely move a muscle. She looked into Nancy's beady blue eyes.

"You saved me." She gasped. Nancy held her hand and kept on quieting down the other witch.

"We haven't started the ritual yet. What just happened?" Nancy inquired. Lirio shrugged, her light hazel eyes checked the space for any indication of movement. She let out a profound sigh.

"Go ahead, we should begin." She stated, sitting on the floor. Nancy sat opposite the more experienced witch and shut her eyes.

"The initial step is repentance. Repeat after me. I'm sorry." Lirio said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Nancy imagined Bonnie, Rochelle, and Sarah. She tried to feel remorse for the things she's done to them.

The second step in Ho'oponopono is to demonstrate their appreciation.

"Thank you." Lirio stated, taking a gander at Nancy and gestured. Nancy repeated after her. The last step is to demonstrate their love.

"I love you." Lirio turned up above. She addressed God, nature, people, and her dad. This time she felt love. More than affection, she felt acknowledged, and clean. Much more than that, she felt thoroughly enjoyed; revered, even celebrated. Lirio sighed. She felt relief, the weight in her shoulders were gradually decreasing.

"How do you feel?" Lirio inquired. Nancy shrugged.

"I don't feel anything."

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