Interlude: How to Become a Shinobi

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Training montage XD

Day 2

Early in the morning, when Konoha had stretched her arms and woken up from her night's slumber, the village was still quiet, in its early stages of rising. The sun had but peeked out of the horizon, the birds' chirping bringing sound to the village.



The sounds of metal clashing shook the village out of its lethargy. The ninja were beginning to train, which meant that it was time to get up. And whilst it was barely six in the morning, the entire main street came alive as vendors lifted their shutters and shops opened their doors.

What business was there to do this early, you ask? It was simple really.

This early in the morning could be considered 'ninja rush hour' where all the shinobi were getting to their posts, switching guards, meeting up to take missions, training etc. And almost all of them could be seen congregating at the main street to buy some type of food, whether it be a simple snack from the dango shop or a bowl of noodles from their favourite ramen stand.

Through the busy street of ninja, two girls without their head bands headed off a small road that led in an unmistakable direction. Towards the training grounds.

Training Ground 3 to be precise.

Few words were exchanged as the two set down their packs and started to prepare for training.

Shiori's pov

Sitting down in the same position as yesterday, I concentrated to draw on my chakra again.

Don't think...feel for it.

The gentle ebb of the energy felt like waves, lulling at the shore, calm and balanced. It was a warmth which I had felt tucked away inside me all this time, but finally managed to discover. Tentatively, I reached to touch the flowing energy which seemed to rise to meet my hands.


Woah! I opened my eyes quickly to see Kakashi-sensei with one hand on my head. He smiled.

"It's a little early and dangerous for you to be touching your chakra. We'll learn how to do that soon. Premature death from chakra misuse is not something the Hokage would like to be informed of."

I rubbed my neck sheepishly, "Sorry."

He nodded, "I want you both here in the morning, practicing how to find your chakra. But we can start training now."

"Hold up," Leiko raised a hand, "Kakashi-sensei. You haven't told us your excuse yet!"

The silver-haired jonin seemed to think for a moment, "Hmmm...well. I had a meeting with fate today..."

"And what did fate tell you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That my students will be doing quite a bit of physical conditioning today," Kakashi grinned under his mask.


Third pov

"Hah...hah..." Shiori was currently sprawled on the floor, panting.

Quite inelegantly, if you must ask, but then again...if you looked at Leiko who'd just refilled her bottle after dumping its contents all over herself, you'd be less inclined to think so.

"Why the dogs..." Leiko muttered.

"And this..." Shiori said after regaining her breath, "is why I prefer cats."

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