Chapter Six: Outdoor Exercises

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Akiko's pov

As soon as Training Ground Three was in sight, I pumped more chakra into my legs and sped away from Sasuke. Aoi seemed to have the same idea and met my eyes with a mischievous smile.

'Race you,' she smirked.

''re on!' I grinned back, sprinting at full speed now.

Both of us skidded to a stop almost simultaneously. But to this day, I insist and stand by the fact that I won.

"Hey Iruka-sensei!" Aoi waved.

"Welcome. You guys got here pretty fast," he said impressed.

"So who won?" I asked.

He chuckled without saying anything.

"Neither of you won," A voice interjected, landing from the treetops.

Leiko and Sasuke arrived, one from the treetops, one from the ground.

"What do you mean?" Aoi pouted, "We got here first,"

"Look," Leiko laughed pointing behind the post Iruka-sensei was standing next to.

Shiori's face peeked out, a kunai twirling in her hand.

"Hey guys," she greeted.

"What the-," I started.

"You were one of the last to leave the room. How did you do it?" Sasuke asked his cousin.

"I may or may not have bugged a certain person to teach me the Body Flicker," Shiori admitted sheepishly.

"Hey that's not fair," Aoi pouted.

"Yeah, you cheated," I whined.

"Sensei didn't specify how to get here. I could've jumped on someone's back and made them carry me here," Shiori shrugged.

"Point," I accepted.

"What was that jutsu?" Sasuke interrogated.

"Shushin no jutsu. The art of quick travel. You go from point A to Point B at an almost untraceable speed,"

"Teach me," he demanded.

"After school," she promised.

Iruka-sensei spluttered, "Shiori! This isn't school! The academy teaches you many skills! You're learning to become ninja!"

"Of course," Shiori said smoothly.

"Come on Akamaru! We're almost there!"

"Ino-pig you're not gonna win!"

"Oh yeah? We'll see, Forehead!"

"I'm the one that's gonna win! 'ttebayo!"

Akamaru and Kiba appeared from the foliage on all fours whilst Naruto appeared in a similar fashion but up on the tree-tops. Sakura and Ino were throwing insults at each other whilst running and all but trading fists.

Sasuke audibly groaned.


Leiko's pov

"Okay, since everyone is here, we will begin our target practice. I trust everyone has their own weapons. There are several training posts and targets within the training grounds. Scatter!" Iruka-sensei commanded. 

Target practice, hmm? I grinned, taking a glance at the Uchiha girl next to me.  

Everyone ran off with the exception of Shikamaru, Choji, Shiori and I.

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