Chapter Sixteen: Chunin Exams Pt 1

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Third pov

The morning of the exams, all four kunoichi found themselves at the academy, walking into the building.

"Whoo! I'm so excited for the exams!" Akiko cheered.

"I'm not..." Aoi muttered under her breath.

"Oh look! There's Izumo and Kotetsu trying to weed out people," Shiori pointed to Team Gai putting up an act.

Team Seven also then joined the crowd only for Sasuke to say, "Get out of my way."

"You're not coming into the exam room unless you get through us!"

"You're in the way of the staircase. I'm going up to 301," Sasuke said coolly.

Everyone looked at him in surprise to which he smirked.

"Such an simple genjutsu. Sakura, you're the sharpest of all of us, you would have noticed it first, right?"

"Huh...oh right! Of course, this say 301 but we've only walked up one set of stairs!" Sakura said.

Shiori walked over and smacked Sasuke over the head before Izumo could try and kick him causing everyone to stop and watch the new person.

"Idiot, now we've got more competition," she hissed.

It took a little while for that realisation to dawn on the genin who had seen through the genjutsu. Glares were thrown in their general direction thereafter.

Sasuke had the decency to look at least a little guilty, "Didn't really think about that."

Shiori sighed, might as well just go the entire way then, "Izumo-san, Kotetsu-san why are you even bothering anymore?"

The two 'genin' looked at each other silently conceded defeat. With a sigh they poofed back to their original selves and gave everyone a wave before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"What a wonderful display of youth!" Lee shouted at them as everyone else headed upstairs.

Shiori looked at Neji, "Keep an eye on Lee, if you want to conceal your abilities."

Neji nodded in agreement.

"Tenten!" Akiko waved running over.

Said girl grinned at the two Uzumakis, "Akiko! Aoi! I haven't seen you guys for a while."

"You guys prepared for the exams?" Leiko asked her brother.

"We will pass," Neji said confidently.

"So will we," Shiori replied in equal determination.

"If fate will allow it, we shall meet in the final matches," Neji agreed.

A stray genin turned to Sasuke, "What's your name?"

"It is common courtesy to give your own name first when asking for another's," Sasuke smirked.

"Dosu," he ground out, "Now tell me."

"I am not obliged to answer," Sasuke replied back snarkily.

Team Seven went to walk off.

"Hey you! With the attitude, hold on!" A voice snapped Leiko, Shiori and Neji out of their conversation.

"Huh?" Team seven asked in sync.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked.

"I want to fight. Right here and right now," Lee said.

"You want to fight me here and now huh?" Sasuke sneered.

"Yes," Rock Lee jumped down from the upper flow, landing in a crouch.

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