Just pointing this out.

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Just a fair warning I'm about to rant because I am about done with how some people are acting and I know a lot of you might find this a bit bitchy but I have the right to be right now...

Okay first of all since I posted the new update I have received at least 15-20 messages...private messages might I had about how they think I should rewrite this and how he shouldn't have done that and how I'm ruining the story because of this and all that loveliness. Note the sarcasm. And I really appreciate if for the people who are doing this stopped.

Don't get me wrong I love feed back and ways to improve my writing. Hell I even encourage bad feed back sometimes because I want people to be honest but I have to draw a line when people start to say that I am ruining the story. Again I'm not trying to be rude but do not threaten me that you will stop reading if I do this one thing because it seems that a lot of you forget who story this is. I base things off what I get from the readers so everything I put in the story has a reason to be there. And I'm sorry if you don't like it but just because you threaten me that you will stop reading doesn't mean I'm going to not put it in there.

Another thing is that if you are being a plain out bitch to me or any of the other pandas I will not hesitate to block you and report you. You can send all the negative feed back you want as long as you do it in a nice way.

Now a lot of people are asking me my opinion on the whole Elric and Elane thing so here it is....

I frankly love both shippings and be ecstatic if she ended up with both of them...if I was a reader and not the author. But I also have my negative thoughts about both shippings also.

With the whole cheating thing I do believe it was very wrong and fucked up. I also believe that he has a whole lot of making up to do. But I also believe that he is human and humans make mistakes. We are not perfect. I believe if he honestly learned from his mistake and has truly changed his ways then yes he should be forgiven and I also think that Ella needs to get her feelings in check and learn to forgive and forget.

On to Mr. Lyric Stone. I 100% believe that he has every right to be mad and lash out at her but I also believe that he set himself up for the situation. He is the one who swooped in after she just had a heart wrenching break up and was all over her. He is also the one that knew she was still in love with Shane and that it might take a while for those feelings to go away. He is also the one who said he was willing to wait. SO he should have expected that too happen and dealt with it in a better fashion.

I know a lot of you are going to be like well why don't you just right it like that? Grrrrr! Well my pandas the reason is because no matter how much we want it to, things don't work out that way. People always over react and lash out at things that could have been dealt with in a calmer manner and no matter how many people say otherwise I try to make this realistic. I really do and I know sometimes I don't but I try my best.

So that is my rant and now I'm going to go and eat pie while watching cute panda videos.

Much love my pandas!!xxxx

                         ~ Storyofmylife5

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