Chapter 26 (Giggles And Kisses)

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(Y/n's pov)

I take a sip from the cup that is in my hand. I cringe slightly at the sour taste, looking at the clear liquid. I look up and at the monster who gave it to me.

"Hey, what's in this?" I ask which makes the monster give me a daring grin. "Vodka," she answers before turning away.

I nod slightly and purse my lips, setting it down. I was at what the Little Monsters called a party. It was in some kid's house and I was in the kitchen, trying to get a drink. Most of the monsters were upstairs, scaring the baby that was up there and then the others were fucking up things around the house, making things horrible for the older one in the morning.

Maurice jumps into the room with a goofy grin on his face. I raise an eyebrow at him and giggle slightly as he almost dances over me.

"Having fun?" I ask, picking up the Vodka bottle. "Of course," Maurice responds and jumps onto the counter as I walk over to the sink, pouring out the liquid. This should cause some shit in the morning.

Maurice picks up a banana and pretends it's a microphone. He dances around while singing a song on the counter. I turn to him, laughing at how ridicules he looks.

Maurice extends a hand out to me while singing still and I take it gladly. He helps me climb on the counter and join in on his fun.

Maurice grabs my hand and twirls me around, making me giggle. I grab the banana and we both sing, laughing right afterwards.

I drop the fruit on the ground as Maurice jumps down. He holds out a hand for me and I take it, climbing off the counter.

"We should do that more often," He says and I laugh lightly. "Act like dumbasses?" I ask and Maurice nods, agreeing with a grin. "Pretty much."

I lead Maurice out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the baby's room. We walk in to see about 18 monsters leaning over the crib, taking turns scaring the already crying infante.

"Maurice!" One of the monsters say and gives my boyfriend a hug. Maurice hugs back happily before turning to another monster.

The monster that hugged Maurice looks at me and I wink at him. "I got a keeper, I know," I say which makes him grin. "I was going to say he has a keeper," the monster says, winking back at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to the crib. I lean over to see the baby and coo softly at her.

The baby is too cute. I honestly feel bad that the monsters are scaring her half to death.   

Pure joy takes over me as I watch Maurice lean over my shoulder, kissing my cheek lightly.

We are surrounded by monsters in a kid's room, but I feel like I'm only with him. I stare at his profile as he laughs with the rest of the monsters.

It's official. I love him. I fell in love with a fucking monster and he managed to turn me into one also. How can one person make you so weak? 

I want to show him this tonight, not tell him, but show him.

Maurice turns to me, grinning wide. "What's that look for?" he whispers, noticing that I'm staring at him.

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