Chapter 3(First day)

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   I wake up on my bed and sit up. The memories from last night hit me like a fucking hurricane. "Did he carry me here? Does he have super strength too?" I think as I get ready for the first day of school.
  I'm done with getting ready and head downstairs. I look at the clock and freak out. Im going to be late. Shit shit shit shit. I grab my backpack and run outside to catch the bus. Breakfast can fuck itself.  My parents are at work and I don't care about my sister.  

  I make it on the bus. Thank god. I put on my headphones and sit back in my chair.
We approach my new high school. I jump out when the bus stops.

(Time skip to lunch cause I'm lazy. )

I haven't made any friends as I sit alone at a random table. I have my headphones because I give no fucks. (My life) I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see a guy with brown hair and a beanie on. He smiles at me as I remove my headphones.

"Do you mind me sitting here? I cant find a seat." He asks. I nod as he sits down next to me. "My names Mikey." He says and sticks out his hand for me to shake. (Just made up a random person on the spot) I shake his hand and say. "(Y/n)."
  Mikey and I talk about our lives. Turns out he is new here also. Mikey is pretty friendly, but kinda awkward at the same time. Sadly we only have the  last period together.
  (Time skip to last period)

   Mikey and I sit next to each other at the back of the class. We mostly did this so we can talk and cheat off of each other. We talk more about each in class and only got in trouble once.

   "Well, I will text you tonight." I say and smile at the tall boy in front of me. I stare into his blue eyes and smile warmly. "See ya." He says and pecks my cheek and walks off. "Why did he kiss me? The fuck was that for? Does he like me?" I think as I walk to my bus.

   I get ready to stay up all night. I'm going to hang out with Maurice and I'm super excited.  I sit on my bed and wait for the monster. I finally hear a creak from under my bed as a huge smile creeps on my face.

My Little Monster(Maurice x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now