Chapter 22 (You're Alright)

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(Y/n's pov)

I walk into the house as queitly as possible in case Maurice is sleeping, but I don't see him on the couch.

I was still kinda pissed at myself for what happened with Mickey. I have to ruin everything with everyone.

I walk into the living room and take off my jacket, setting it on the sofa. I hear faint music from the kitchen.

I walk into the dim lit room to see Maurice moving his arms and legs to the beat, dancing. He has his headphones on, but I can still hear the music blaring. I giggle softly as he counties to dance with his eyes closed, not noticing me.

After a moment Maurice turns towards me and opens his eyes. There is a moment of terror on his face before he instantly relaxes for some reason.

I laugh at him which makes him blush hard. I step towards him and take off his headphones which he hasn't done himself.

"Is this what you always do when you're alone?" I ask which makes Maurice grin wide. "Yeah this and ja-" he answers, but I cut him off quickly. "Nevermind!"

Maurice shrugs softly at me before kissing my cheek. He takes his headphones off of his neck and places them on my ears. He grabs the cassette player and starts the song over.

Laughing On The Outside by Bernadette Carroll. The song was honestly creepy, but makes me happy anyway.

Maurice, hearing the song also starts to lip sync it and dance. I laugh at him as we waves his arms around with a goofy smile on his face.

Maurice grabs my hand and twirls me around, but stops me half away. He wraps his arms around my waist and sways me back in forth.

I laugh lightly at his actions and bring his arms up my stomach so I can hold them.

I slowly take off the headphones and set them on the counter. I feel tiny kisses on my shoulder and I hear him hum the song softly. I turn my head to the side and smile as I see a happy smile on his face.

I heart flutters slightly as I feel him tighten his grip around me, bringing me closer to him. "You like Bernadette Caroll?" I chuckle slightly which makes him open his closed eyes.

"I mostly just like that song, but she's alright," Maurice replies before taking his arms off of me, but grabs my wrist. He twirls me around again, but this time I'm stopped in front of him. Placing my hand on his neck, Maurice smirks at me.

I smirk back, both of us knowing how smooth that shit was. "I like her if you do," Maurice shrugs which makes me roll my eyes.

"I agree with you," I say as I wrap my arms around his neck loosely, "She's alright."Maurice grins at me, resting his hands on my hips.

Maurice narrows his eyes at me, but that grin is still on his face. "We seem to like the same music, but what did you used to listen to?" he asks curiously. I tilt my head to the side and play with his hair gently. "Like when I was little?"

Maurice nods slightly and I think for a moment. "Honestly, I used to listen to nasty 80's alternative music, but not the good kind, like the sister-fucking kind," I explain. Maurice laughs at my explanation. "Sister-fucking?" he asks with a shit-eating grin on his face. I smile shamelessly and nod.

"Eeww! I'm dating a person who fucks their sister!" Maurice teases and scrunches his nose up. I give him an offended face and hit his shoulder. "Dick! I USED to listen to it," I defend myself, not saying anything about the sister-fucking.

Maurice laughs and goes to hug me tighter, but I hit his chest playfully. "Nope! Don't touch me!" I laugh loudly while trying to get away from him.

"I'm sorry, babe!" Maurice shouts and tries to keep my in my place desperately. I manage to pry his arms off of me and run to the living room.

I hear Maurice run after me. I grab a pillow and turn around quickly, pointing it at him. "Don't come closer," I warn, climbing onto the sofa quickly.

Maurice smiles at me, putting his hands up in surrender. "You're not a hippie," he says slowly while walking towards me catiously. "And?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and lay on the couch. "You're the most amazing girl I've ever meant and you don't fuck sisters," he says which makes me grin wide.

I stare up at Maurice as he slowly takes the pillow away from me and sits beside me, his body pressing against mine since there's not a lot of space.

"You're alright too," I say with a shrug and a toothy grin, my arms resting above my head.

Maurice smiles at me before leaning towards me. "I try," he says before kissing my lips softly. I close my eyes and kiss him back a bit deeper, wanting more of him.

Maurice goes along with it, putting his hand on my side and bringing me closer to his body. I sigh contently as he slowly breaks the kiss, but our noses are still almost touching. 

I know I rushed into this, but I feel so comfortable around him and I trust him so much. I know that I want to be with him and that we'll go through shit together like we already did. I'm okay with it, as long as it's with his.

"We should probably go," Maurice says softly, "before the sun rises."

I nod softly, staring into his eyes. I smile and kiss him softly before we have to go. 

My Little Monster(Maurice x Reader fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें