chapter 21

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"I-i thought you were asleep." Aaron said crossing his arms looking at her sternly. "I was ... for 3 years ... when i felt you kiss me i felt alive but i was locked in. I couldn't get out causing me to stay in slumped till two weeks ago m-my powers grew... and i was sending so many signs." Diana said pulling her gloves up while everyone was shocked to see her.

"And you didn't bother to come see us?" Diego asked standing next to his brother while she started to feel herself cower into her black hearted dispare. "I-"

"No i-i diana YOU WERE AWAKE AND DIDN'T TELL ME." Aaron said his eyes glowing bright red in anger. "B-"

"No , diana you think EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU BUT YOUR NOT A CENTER OF THE GAME. I NOW DECLARE DIANA CLAIRE AS ... NO LONGER A QUEEN." Aaron said venom dripping from each word while diego even seemed satisfied with the punishment.

"I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE A TOY. FINE . I REJECT BOTH AARON VLADMIR A-AND A-" Before she could say anything else she ran and ran her heart too broken to say anything else.

"Look what you did asshole." Haley said looking at the two brothers in disgust following diana as so did stephen and paris.

Diana took her heels off while she ran out the kingdom taking her gloves off while vains quickly spreaded through out the kingdom walls.

She was sad , angry , and some slight of happyiness from being free from her jail.

"Diana!" She heard someone yell while she turned around seeing the three people who actually cared about her. "Please don't leave I'm sure they didn't mean it." Paris said tears coming from her crystal blue eyes.

"No, i don't want to be here anymore i can't take being a prisoner anymore..." Diana said crying tears falling down her cheeks while stephen speed to her hugging her tightly as if they had some type of chemistry.

She held onto to the brown eyed man her ice tear drops falling on his suit. "Don't leave diana.." Stephen sighed feeling her relax the vines dissappering from the walls slowly while haley and paris stood amazed at the action.

"Please don't leave." Haley said while both of them joined into the hugged while diana felt for the first time that she was really loved.

"I won't leave..."

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