Chapter 2

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"No. NO! I'm not just any object you play with." The angered teen yelled her eyes turning rusty golden yellow. To say Diana was angry was a statement. She was absolutely mad and angered on why the witches had chosen her to be the sacrifice and the Vampire's King's mate. Out of all the things, this could be the last thing she wanted.

"Shh, my dear Diana you are mine. Except it!" Aaron growled as then there had been dark gray veins rising up from his cheeks to his bright chocolate brown eyes which had turned dark blood red making all of Diana's confidence fall down the drain. A tear fell down from her cheek while she looked up at the which was violating one of the most decent rules in the regions. Never look the king in his eyes when he is in his vampire form. Well, Diana had just broken that rule.

Aaron did the same letting those feisty Golden orbs fool his heart as if he just felt it beat. "N-no." She whispered as the vampire had bit his lip looking at the appealing black dress she was wearing making him want to do many things to his queen's body. "Yes. Say yes you accept me." He growled cupping her cheeks compelling the teen while she slowly nodded her head since she wasn't on vervain she was able to fall for the vampire's tricks making Aaron both worry yet in control of his mate. "I accept you."

"There you are." The beta king said opening the door a bit while he his eyes had rested on the beauty in front of him or should he say his king. Her curves bring out her beautiful bright brown hair and those beautiful bright yellow doe eyes. "Stephen please to see you," Aaron growled removing his hands from the side of Diana's head. The curious wolf looked at Stephen with wondrous eyes. His what looked like slicked back brown wavy hair and bright hazel honey eyes with radiant tan skin that showed off his bulging muscles. He had on a classic black and white tux white a neatly tied bow on his collar but Diana could see his two bite marks on the side of his neck which had only meant one thing. He wasn't an original vampire he had been turned by someone which must mean he is linked to a certain someone but out of the other different regions Diana could only think of one which was the king.

"Dinner has been set for 5:23 pm right?" Stephen asked as the little wolf had looked around the dark room avoiding Aaron's and Stephen's lustful looks. "Yes, it is what time is it now?" Aaron asked then turning his eyes towards his beta who quickly took his brown orbs off of Diana turning around to face his king. "It is 4:25," Diana answered bluntly messing around with a old nesting doll. Both vampire's looked at her shocked as they knew the other regions beside one two and three could not read or tell time.

"Thank you little wolf." Aaron smirked grabbing her by the arm making her growl as he had tightened his grip. "But no one had ask you. Did anyone?" The angered king said while Diana was raging with anger for him. It was only her first day and he had her already with bruises. She bit her lip whilst Stephen watching. Aaron pushed her over to Stephen as she had landed on his arms making the beta vampire shiver from her warmth. His nostrils flared as he could smell her delicious blood lapping over her body.

"Take her to Haley for she can get a wash. She reeks of other men." Aaron growled in disgust walking out of the room leaving both of them there with shocked faces. "Come on wolfie," Stephen said as she shook her head following him not wanting to get any more bruises. Diana bit her lip trying the control the tears that had wanted to come out so bad but she needed to be brave and get out of here one way or another. Stephen had not wanted to say anything since he knew the girl had been through alot and it was only her first day. He knew this was just only one bump of the ride.

As they had both arrived Stephen had done a special knock while a girl with short shoulders blonde hair and blonde colored had opened the door. She had a simple flowered dress that had to bring out her paper white pale skin. Diana took noticed of the silver nose ring wrapped around her nose which had become a confused to Diana but she knew it wasn't the best to ask questions now.

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