Chapter 3

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                                                             "Beauty and the soulless Vampire"

Stephen laid the sad girl on the brown bed chair as she held her tears which had hurt so much but she didn't want anyone not even Stephen to know she was weak. But she had let out a scene during dinner which could calm the vampires knowing that if their mate had fooled around with another person before them.

"So........ ya like books?" Stephen asked holding up some dusty brown books that held multiple symbols on each cover. Diana took a gulp in nodding biting her lip at the same time. "Use your words, love." The Beta king said to Diana causing a blush to appear on the werewolf's face. "Yes, I would say I love them more than I like them." She laughed trying to clear out the awkward sad silence.

"Is that so wolfie? When did ya start reading?" He asked taking a seat across from her. Diana's face was painted in confusion seeing that this vampire was far from Aaron. Diana actually liked him and Haley since they were the only two so far that liked her. "Well as you know we have to start school at the age of 3. So I would say around 4 years old when I started reading books more out of my state of knowledge." Diana explained scanning the library as Stephen looked at her with curious eyes. He knew Aaron's rules were rough but had to deal with it either way.

"Well, that's nice. So full moon is almost among us. How do you deal with your wolf?" Stephen asked as Diana had tensed. She was afraid to tell anyone or anything that she couldn't do. Which was one thing? Shift. She could smell, Hear, and other werewolf abilities but not shift. It is sentenced at the age of 16 you will have your first shift but it's been 1 week since Diana's birthday and she had yet shifted.

"Um... I can't shift yet." She answered simply getting up from her seat walking to one of the bookshelves. For the first time in centuries, the man had felt a pain of guilt hit his heart for the girl. "Oh, I'm Sorry for asking wolfie." He said using the nickname that made Diana both angry and giddy at the same time. But the last thing she needed was a pity from a vampire. "It's okay it doesn't bother me anyways." She snarled picking out her favorite book 'Beauty and the beast'.

"Ahh, I see you like the classic's," Stephen said getting up grabbing a fancy glass cup heading toward to the wine cabinet. "Yes, Beauty in the Beast." She said blowing a chuckle walking toward the bed chair laying down on the leather material. "Or in your case the Beauty and the soulless vampire." The vampire joked whilst earning a dirty look from Diana. "Yeah.... Ha ha. Very funny." The unshifted wolf said rolling her eyes while Stephen quickly stopped laughing.

Diana looked at the rusty brown book that had many dusty spots. She slid her palm on the cover seeing the gold letters attached to the book that had read 'Beauty And The Beast'. Meanwhile, Stephen grabbed his strawberry wine pouring a glass for him and the underaged girl. Yet he was too amazed and in a trace of lust to know that she was only 16.

"Wine?" He asked while Diana turned over to him shrugging. She had always seen them on racks at the run down 'Dack Shack'. "Yes sure." She said not know what was in the special colored juice. Diana grabbed the wine glass taking small sips while she felt a small wave of relaxation hit her body. Her shoulders had untested as she had felt full of energy and felt one she thing wanted to feel for a while. Free.

"This tastes amazing I want more!" She giggled while Stephen smiled hearing her giggles as if they were coming from angles. He then poured her another glass as it was devoured by her under seconds. Diana ran to the radio using her werewolf speed clicking multiple buttons as she had found her favorite song.

'Will you still love me

When I'm no longer young and beautiful?

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