(22) My love.

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Chapter 22- My love.

I laid there on my bed, feeling sorry for myself. I hadn't meant to over react, I'm just scared. I'm afraid to fall for Kyle, I'm afraid I would be left alone with only the pieces of my heart to fix. You can't blame a girl for being afraid, you just can't.

"Cali?" Tammy came into my room. It was dark outside now.


"I've come to check up on you," she stated as she came into the room slowly. She perched herself on the end of my bed.

"Thanks," was my only reply. I didn't want her to see me like this, miserable and patchy eyed, but I guess some things just can't be helped.

"What's the matter?" She asked softly, as if she honestly was talking to her baby sister.

"Nothing," I lied. Tammy scoffed.

"You rarely ever cry, don't give me that," I sighed.

"Kyle and I had an argument, it was only a little one, but I became a little over dramatic," I explained truthfully. Tammy listened intensively. "I'm just afraid of being rejected if I ask for forgiveness,"

"From the first day I met him I could see he was infatuated by you. Of course he isn't going to reject you," she said. "And we all make mistakes, Cali, just build a bridge and get over it," she shrugged. Was it that simple? I guess it was.

"I guess,"

"It was only a little argument, ever couple gets involved in a few arguments, it's healthy,"

"But we're not in a proper relationship yet," I replied. I had wanted to be.

"You will be soon, I don't think he can spend another day without you," she smiled in my direction. "Why don't you go and talk to him?" I looked at her wryly.

"I might," I wanted to.

"Just talk to him, you'll feel better," she replied. I nodded my head anyway, in result, Tammy got up from her spot and her made her way to the door. "I think he loves you," she shrugged. My eyes widened. I couldn't take her word for it. I didn't reply, I sat there with a heavily beating heart. She left after a couple of seconds.

I realised I needed him, I needed him more than anything. Being away from him had somehow given me the time and space to really think about where we were going.

I couldn't stand to be away from him. I couldn't stand to not be beside him. I craved him, with the most fiery passion.

I realised how irrational I had been, how over dramatic I was. It wasn't fair to treat him like this, he had done so much for me. He was there when I needed him, he had treated me like no one else could, I'm pretty sure of that.

I know it was our first real argument, one of which I knew wasn't that bad, but I couldn't stand the thought of not being okay with him. I needed to know we were okay, I needed it.

There was a difference between a simple want, and a simple need. I knew that. I felt it.

I needed to make things right between Kyle and I.

I jumped out of bed, my feet touching the floor. I ran to the door, I was becoming desperate.

I had this feeling in my stomach, a feeling that maybe I was too late. What if he didn't want to be involved with me anymore? What would I do? My heart would ache, I'm sure of it.

I couldn't help it, I loved him. I had fallen for him, I was so undoubtedly, crazily in love with him. I believed in it, I had to, I wanted to, I knew how I felt and I knew it was right. It felt right, right enough.

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