Imagine 1: We Can't Be

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Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View

I am currently sitting inside the coffee shop, patiently waiting for someone while having a sip of my hot chocolate milk. I am waiting for Seungcheol, I actually have something to say to him, an important one, something that he needs to know, something that I cannot keep to myself anymore.

Seungcheol is a great friend of mine since pre-school until now and I do love him with all of my heart. Not as a best friend, not as a brother, but as a man. It is somewhat impossible that I won't learn how to love him, he is just so... lovable, and that's what I am going to say to him. I don't care if he doesn't feel the same way as me. What's important right now is for him to know what I truly felt towards him, and besides, we actually can't be together... for some reason.

After some minutes passed, the coffee shop's glass door suddenly opens and it revealed him, who directly looks at my direction with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm late Y/N. Our main door's doorknob went broken again and I needed to fix it asap", he said as he laughed.

"It's okay", I smiled to him.

"So, there is something you wanted to say to me?", he asked, which made me feel nervous and excited at the same time.

This is it, Y/N.

Tell him everything.

Just tell him.

"Umm, yes", I said while avoiding his gaze.

"What is it?"

"Well... how about you order something first?"

"Sure! Umm... how about you? You want anything to pair up your chocolate milk?", he asked as he looked straight to my eyes, which makes me more nervous though.

But I simply smiled at him, hiding my nervousness, "Chocolate cake for me"

"Ohh you've never changed, Y/N", he said as he stood up.

"I will never change, Seungcheol, even if you do", I said but he chuckled at me.

"As if I will. Anyways, I'll be back~", he said and I nodded. Once he's finally away, I deeply sighed.


Let me breath for a second.

"Why am I so nervous today?", I mumbled to myself as I held my chest.

"I think I need some practice first"

And yeah I did, I practice and recite the same words again and again until I'm satisfied. After doing that, he came back to our table with a bright smile on his face. Does he really loves to smile, or he is just happy today?

"Here~", he said as he put the chocolate cake in front of me.

"Let's eat first", I said and quickly sliced the cake and puts it in my mouth. He was about to ask something but he chose not to do it and just eat instead. He also sometimes gave me a confusing look, but I acted like I didn't noticed it. I somehow understand why he's looking at me this way. My actions are pretty weird to him right now, but I felt like he's trying to understand me, which made me glad.

After eating our cakes and drinking our coffees, we stared at each other without saying anything.

Today's atmosphere is so quite awkward.

"So, can you tell me now?", he said, breaking the weird silence around us. And so I nodded and took a very deep breathe.

"Well you see.... umm... well.. ye-yeah...", I don't know why I'm stuttering so bad, like I do stutter sometimes in front of him but not like this. And look, we may be so close, but stuttering like this in front of Seungcheol is really embarrassing.

He noticed how bad my stutter is so he chuckled, "Relax Y/N, say it right away. Don't be shy, it's just me, you got this", he cheered me up which made me laughed a little.




"I love you...", I said while seriously looking straight into his beautiful eyes.

"That's it? Aww that's so sweet Y/N. Of course, we do loved each other, best friends forever right?", he happily said which broke my heart. So he only sees me as his best friend? Great.

"Umm, actually Seungcheol, I love you not as a best friend but as a man. I love you Seungcheol, I really do", I sadly said as I looked down and his eyes widened.

"Y-you... l-love me? Like more than a friend?", he stuttered and I nodded. He sounded like he couldn't believe what I have just told him, but after a few seconds, he smiled. But this time, it's different.

"I love you too, Y/N", he directly said as he lean closer to me.

"I love you as a woman, I really do", he said which makes my cheeks blushed and my heart beats faster, and all of the sudden, he quickly pecked my lips.

My heart skipped a beat.

That was my first kiss.

"How about we start dating, Y/N?", he excitedly said and I remembered something.

"Oh, you see Seungcheol, I really do love to date you, but.... we can't", I said as I looked down, again.

"But why? You love me and I love you too, what's wrong with that? Am I too late already, Y/N? Did you already have a boyfriend, or are you going to get married to another man that you didn't know? Y/N, tell me so we can fix it", he said and held both of my hands tightly.

"Seungcheol, I don't have boyfriend, and of course I'm not getting married to someone I didn't even know", I calmly said, literally trying to stop myself from sobbing.

"Then what is the reason why we can't?", after he asked that, my tears just voluntarily started to fell down over my cheeks. I silently cried, in front of my best friend, in front of my first love.


"Y/N, why are you crying?", he said and lifted my chin.

"There is actually something that you need to know", I sobbed.

"What is it? Tell me Y/N!"

I sadly smiled at him, "Seungcheol...."

I stopped and sighed for a moment then I looked at his now watery eyes.

"We are actually....

"What?", he asked with an anxious tone.

"We are siblings"

The End

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