Imagine 43: Wondrous

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Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View

It's already 11:50 in the evening. The air is cold yet refreshing. The silence is like a music to my ears.

I'm outside the house, sitting at the mini bench while waiting for someone to arrive. I took a sip of my coffee as I stare at the starry sky. I just loved how relaxing and calming this place is, even though I do not belong here.

"I'm home", a cold yet sweet voice greeted me. I smiled and stood up.

"What took you so long?", I asked and he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"I got into a fight", he said as he broke the hug.

My eyes widened, "What?! Didn't I told you not to fight?!"

"Hey, relax", he calmly said as he rubbed my left shoulder.

"Relax? How can I relax?!", I shouted but he only chuckled.

"Y/N, you're overacting. Can't you see the I'm all fine?", he turned around just to let me know that he's alright.

"Did you forgot that I have a good sense of smell?", I said and with all of my strength, I kicked his left leg. I can clearly smell his fresh blood.

"Argh!! Y/N, it hurts!!!", he fell down as he winced in pain.

"Don't you dare lie to me Mingyu"

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry. Anyways, I didn't expect you to be that strong", he said while looking at me.

I rolled my eyes inwardly, "Whatever. Get up there and let's cure your wound"

I walked inside the house and he followed me; but he couldn't walked well because yeah... I kicked his wound.

"Does it really hurt so bad?", I sarcastically said and he nodded, while acting cute.

By the time I saw him first, he really looked scary; well he is really scary since he's a Werewolf.


Me and my family decided to have a camping in the forest, just a little far from our home.

When we arrived, as a person who loves nature, I decided to roam around the forest. I went to every corner in this place. I was so amazed at how beautiful the plants, rivers, and trees are.

As I keep on walking and observing, I didn't realized that it's already dark.

"Shoot! It's already dark!", I whisperly shouted to myself and walked back to our tent.

While I was walking, I heard some weird noises and I felt like there's another creature who's also walking together with me.

And because I'm a scaredy cat, I ran as fast as I can. But I accidentally slipped my left foot which causes me to lose my balance. And unluckily...

I fell down on a cliff.

It happens very quickly. I couldn't open my eyes properly, I can only feel soreness all over my body. I was about to lose my consciousness, but before that, I saw a pair of wondrous eyes; they were looking at me worriedly. And after that, I passed out.

The next morning, I woke up in the hospital. I asked my parents how I got here and they said that a young boy was carrying me and told them that I accidentally fell off in the cliff.

I was thinking that maybe he's the one that I saw before I passed out. I want to thank him. So one night, I secretly came back to the forest; I came back to the cliff where I fell, hoping I can see him again.

But I saw a different creature. It's not a human, it's a... wolf!

I was trembling. I'm very scared, not until I looked on it's eyes.

Those eyes. They looked familiar to me.

The boy! Right! The boy who saved me! They have the same eyes.

What if this is him?

What if he's a werewolf?

Well, impossible.

As I keep on staring it's eyes, I didn't realized that he already transformed into a human.

Right after that, he introduced himself and I was right, he's the boy who saved my life. I thanked him and he told me that he was glad that I'm all fine.

On the next few nights, we secretly hang out. Until I fell for him, and after 5 years, I decided to marry him. Surprisingly, they didn't insist.


And here we are, living the best of our lives.

"Do you feel better now?", I asked as I wrapped Mingyu's wound with a white bandage.

"Yeah, thank you Y/N", he said and smiled to me. He gestured me to lay down on his chest and I did. I wrapped my hands on his waist as I close my eyes.

"I'm still grateful to you, Mingyu, for saving my life"

"Anything for you, Y/N", he said as he caressed my head, which made me fall asleep.


"Ouch!", I woke up because of the pain in my forehead, it feels like someone hits me with a book.

"Wake up bookworm!!", my older sister shouted right in front of my face while holding a thick and hard book.

I knew it. Someone hits my precious forehead.

I got up and rubbed my sore forehead. I looked at my messy room. Books were scattered everywhere. I picked up the book that is on top of my stomach, then I remembered something.

"That was a wondrous dream, huh?"

The End

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