Imagine 36: White Cat

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Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View

"Y/N, can you hand me that box?", Thea, one of my co-workers, said.

"Of course~", I said while smiling.

I am working as an animal attendant in one of our city's animal shelters. Since I was a kid, I really really loved animals, especially cats. I don't know but they are just so adorable. I also want to take care of them.

"Wait, why are you so happy today?", she said suddenly asked then I smirked.

"Thea, I am always happy"

"Nah~ There is something with your smile today. What is it Y/N? Come on you can tell me", she said while poking my side.

"Alright alright, I finally got a house!!!", I happily said and Thea screamed.

"Oh my gosh! You did it~"

"Yess~ I'm so so happy Thea"

"And I'm so proud of you. Come here let me hug you~", Thea said as she hugged me very tightly. I hugged her back.

"Now let's finish our work for today cause I'm sure you really want to go home now", she jokingly said then I giggle. 

After arranging some things here, we're finally done and we are about to leave when I noticed a white cat staring at me.

"Wait, isn't this the cat that was adopted last monday?", I said then Thea looked at the cat.

"Yeah you're right! Actually the ones who adopted him says he's a bad cat, that's why they gave it back to us. ButI don't think this cat is bad, he looks so cute", Thea said and I nodded.

"Yeah, look at his eyes. He looks so sad", I said then I pouted.

It kinda hurts me. Seeing animals hurt also hurt the heck of me. It feels like someone is hurting my own child even though I don't have one.

"I'll just adopt him Thea"

"Y-you sure Y/N??? You're gonna take that cat?", she said and I nodded.

"I promise I'm going to take care of him", I said then Thea gets the cat out of the cage and gave it to me.

When I help the cat, he looks so happy. His eyes were shining.

"What's his name by the way?"

"Wonu, that's his name. Cute right?"

"Not just cute but cool too", I said then we laughed.

"Anyways, let's go home now", Thea said then we locked the shelter and left.

When I got home, I fed the Wonu right away. I do have some cat food here since I already planned to adopt one.

"Eat well Wonu, I'm going upstairs to change, stay here okay?", I said while petting his head. He meow at me very cutely. I went upstairs and changed my uniform into my pajamas then I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I decided to skip dinner since I'm not hungry and I did eat a lot a while ago when I was still on work.

"Wonu I'm done~ Where are you? Let's go to bed~"


"Oh, there you are~ Come here, let's go to bed~", I said as I picked him up and brings him to my room.

"Meow~ Meow~"

"You're so cute~", I said then kissed his lips.

As soon as we lay down on my bed, we fell asleep right away.


I woke up because I felt a hand wrapping around my waist. I got up and looked at the man who is sleeping right beside me. I blinked many times then I realized...

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!", I screamed as I fell off on the bed.

"Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?", the man got up and was about to help me but I stood up and ran away. I ran downstairs very quickly but suddenly a hand hold my arm.


"PLEASE! PLEASE! GET AWAY FROM ME! DON'T KILL ME! There are still so many things that I want to do in life, please leave me alone", I said and was about to cry but he hugged me out of nowhere. 

I don't know but his hug is so warm. It is so comforting. 

"I'm sorry Y/N if I scared you. You may not believe it but...", he said and broke the hug.

"It's me, Wonu, your cat", he said while smiling. I shook my head.

"Mister it's not funny", I said with a serious face.

"I'm not joking Y/N, I am really your-"

"How do you know my name? And how do you know I have a cat named Wonu? Are you a stalker?!!"

"I'm not Y/N, I am really Wonu. The white cat that you adopted yesterday", he said while looking straight into my eyes. I can see the seriousness in his eyes but I don't believe him.

"If you are really Wonu, what is the pass code on the front door? I let you see it last night, now tell me!"

"It's 052615, then you also did some fingerprint scanning, then when we got in you fed me right away then you told me to eat well that you will change for a while and told me to stay here", he said as he pointed the place where he ate his cat food.

I do believe him now since all of it is true plus, it's kinda impossible that a stalker will know what I was saying to Wonu last night. My home is really secured, it's soundproof and no one can easily get in here, except me.

"Okay! I believe you now but what happened to you? Why do you became a human?"

"I'm a hybrid", he said and I nodded.

"That's cool. Okay since you're here, can you help me with the house chores?", I awkwardly smiled at him then he chuckles.

"It's not a problem Y/N, I can help you with anything"

"Okay then let's cook first! And if one of my friends or relatives saw you, just say that you are my close friend, okay?"

"Nope, I don't want to be your close friend, I want to be your boyfriend", he said is with no hesitation. My eyes widened and I almost stopped breathing.

"You want to be my what???"

"I want to be your boyfriend and I want you to be my girlfriend, I've been staying in the shelter for a year now and I've been in love with you Y/N"

I'm still speechless. I just can't believe it.

"I- ummm... I don't know what to say", I said while scratching my head.

"But if you truly loves me then why don't we try? I kinda like you too", I shyly said then he hugs me.

"I promised you that I won't hurt you, I will always love you and I will always help you too with the chores", he said then I laughed.

"You should be Mr. Wonu", I broke the hug and pecked his cheeks. He smiles then pecked my lips. I also pecked his lips and both of us smiled.

The End

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