Imagine 57: Pervert

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Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View

I was walking down the quite street. I'm on my way home and it's already late at night. Ankles are aching, as well as my back. I'm actually dumb enough for wearing these heeled black shoes. Like, I could've just wore my favorite sneakers. Gosh! It feels like my feet and legs will break down in no longer. 

"Argh... Where are these damn buses?", I whined to myself. I just got unlucky, like really. There are no buses running anymore. Just taxis, but my money is not enough.

So it left me with no choice but to walk back home.

"Great! Just great!!", I shouted as my voice echoed around the street. I don't care if I did disturbed somebody, I'm just too pissed right now to care for others.

"Hey Y/N!"

I looked behind me for someone just shouted my name.  

It's Dino.

He immediately ran towards my direction with a large smile on his face.

"What?", I coldly replied.

"What's with you today, hmm?"

"Don't talk to me", I simply replied as a fasten my pace.

"Hey! Are you not in the mood?", he asked while trying to look at my face.

"Leave me alone", I coldly stated once again, not giving him a little bit of my precious attention.

"Hey, look at me", he said as he held both of my shoulders to make me face him.

"What's wrong, hmm? Tell me"

"And who are you to know?"

"Stop being sarcastic. Tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing's wrong, okay? Mind your own business", I frustratingly stated and was about to walk a bit faster, but I suddenly felt cramps on my legs.

"Ouch...", I softly groans, but Dino still heard it. He has great hearing skills I guess.

"Hey, what's wrong?", he worriedly stated and we both looked down on my legs and feet.

"I knew it. Walking back home is not really for rich kids", he jokingly said which made me pissed off more.

"Rich kid my foot!"

He then laughs, "Stop being grumpy, you'll look ugly. Well, come on, I'll give you a piggyback ride", he said and he crouched in front of me, facing his back at me.

"Come on, hop in"

"Hop in? You're not strong enough to carry me", I sarcastically stated but he scoffed and looked back at me.

"Are you underestimating my strength?"

"Obviously, now go and get lost. I can handle this on my own"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really", I proudly said while stopping my self from groaning nor wincing to the pain that I'm feeling in my legs as well as in my feet and ankles. 

"Painful, isn't it? You might even die because of it"

"Shut u-up!", I said, forcing my legs to walk, despite of the pain and cramps that I'm feeling. Dang it! Why did I wore these damn heeled shoes?!

"Hey! Don't force it!", he shouted but I didn't listen. I continued to walk, ignoring Dino's words.

He keeps on shouting and complaining behind me, but I did not listen to him.

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