Imagine 55: Fangirl

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Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View


That is me.

Being too much in love over some stars that are somewhat unreachable. In other words, being too crazy over these people who doesn't even know that I existed in this world. Well, in some point, they do know that I existed in this world, but they don't know me personally. More like they know me as their fan only. But it's fine. It's like not I'm living the Y/N life, right?

It's just a delusion, an imagine, which we all fangirls, including fanboys, hoped to become true. But it won't, right? Well... maybe it will to those lucky fans. But I'm not, so I'll just enjoy my life loving these people and supporting them with all of my heart. It's not a bad thing to do though. 

"Y/N...", my mom sighed as she looked down at the parcel, which is on my hand, that got delivered today.

"Why mom?", I looked up to her, looking puzzled.

"How much is that?", she boredly said as she pointed the parcel.

"Oh, this? This doesn't cost too much", I said, smiling cheekily.

"Doesn't cost too much? You could say that, but..."

My mom sighed once again, before she continue to speak.

"This is the 47th order that you made during this month only"

"What's the problem with that?"

"What's the problem? Y/N, can you be mature enough? Stop spending money with just a piece of box and paper. You're just wasting your money with some useless stuffs", she stated which broke my heart a little.

If only she knew how much this makes me happy. Even just a simple unsealed album could make my heart burst into happiness.

"I know mom. I'm sorry. I just love collecting these stuffs", I said while looking down. After a second, dad suddenly came.

"Is that kpop again, huh?", he immediately said while pointing the parcel and so I nodded slowly, still looking down.

"Are you scolding her, honey?", dad stated which made me looked at mom.

"Our daughter couldn't stop spending money over these nonsense and useless things", she stated and it made my heart broke once again.

Dad sighed, "Oh come on honey, let her be, okay? It's her happiness, and besides, she knows how to budget her money. She won't spend all of it just for kpop stuffs", dad said which made me smiled.

I'm glad dad could somehow understands me. Well, my mom also understands me but she'll scold me about it.

"Fine. Fine. Just make sure you also saves money for your future, okay?", mom said and I nodded.

"Don't worry mom, I always saves money", because there are still albums and photo cards that I need to collect, and I need money for me to buy them. We all do that, don't you think?


Saturday. I'm in my room, scrolling through my phone on Twitter. I've seen several posts of my co-Carats saying 'I'm seeing SEVENTEEN' which made me jealous. SEVENTEEN, my favorite kpop boy group ever, is finally coming here in my country to have their concert, but I'm too broke for that. Buying official merch of them is not really a big problem for me, I could earn money for that, but buying a concert ticket, even just one... it's really a big problem. I could also earn money for that but it will never be enough.

"Waahh~ I'm sorry but you won't see my pretty face. What a shame~", I joked to myself as I read their post on their official Twitter account about their concert here in our country, which will happen this coming Wednesday.

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