Imagine 47: Remember You

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A continuation of 'Freaking Duck' (Imagine 46)

Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View

I woke up because of my freaking alarm clock.

"Shut up! You freaking clock!", I shouted as I turned it off.

"The word 'freaking' must be your favorite..."

I almost had an heart attack because someone suddenly spoke close to my ear.

"Did I scared you?", he innocently asked me.

"Who freaking told you to come in here?!", I angrily shouted while pointing him.

"Umm.. Myself??", he said while smiling hesitantly.

Gosh! I think once I found his body, I might kill him with no hesitation.

"Do you want me to murder you once I found your body?', I said, gritting my teeth.

He quickly shakes his head, "Please don't! I'm sorry if I made you upset. I didn't mean it!", he pleaded as he kneel down.

I didn't know that ghosts could be dramatic too.

"Stand up. We must move right now, we need to find your body as soon as possible before it's too late", I seriously said.

He looks at me with his confused eyes, "What do you mean before it's too late?"

"Before it's too late. It's too late for you to be alive again because I'm going to kill you because I can't stand you anymore SO GET OUT FROM MY FREAKING ROOM OR ELSE I WILL SURELY FREAKING KILL YOU IN PERSON!!!", I straightly said and he ran outside immediately.

I stood up from my bed and sighed.

"Early in the morning Y/N, it's still early in the morning. Don't get stressed okay? Breathe in, breathe ou--"

"So you are talking to yourself too?"

I breathed in deeply as I grab a pair of scissors on the top of my mini table and pointed him with it.

"This is your last warning, if you will made me angry once again, I'll make sure that you will go straight to hell. Understood?"

"But I'm an angel though, why would I go to hell---"

"GET OUT YOU FREAKING DUCK!!!", I shouted, really hard and throws the scissors into him.

He immediately disappears.

I think I will get wrinkles after this.


I am currently drinking my coffee while seriously looking at my laptop screen. I am-- NO --we are at my favorite coffee shop. And I finally found where his body right now; he's currently admitted at the Serenity Path Hospital, which is kinda far from here.

"When we will go to the hospital?", he suddenly asked after remaining silent for a minute.

"After I finish this", I shortly relied and continued typing.

I am actually making an excuse letter. Yeah, I'm asking my dear boss to excuse me for today for the reason that I have an important thing to take care of. But the truth is, it's not that important, well for me but for Jeonghan, it is very important-- THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR HIM --If he can't go back to his body as soon as possible, he could be comatose for so many years or something bad will happen and he could die.

And I don't want that to happen. Why? Well, I just felt bad for him and his family. He may be very annoying but I don't care anymore, I just want him to go back to where he came from.

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