Ch. 13

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I missed classes that night, along with Chika. It seemed like everytime I stepped out of my dorm, problems were caused, and I had proof.

Just an hour ago, I got ready for classes and I'd exited my room just when Shiki had fallen onto Rima,and she ended up in the infirmary since Shiki is like an elephant.

Then, in class, Aido had passed me a note telling a joke when the chandelier had fallen on him! Even though he's a vampire, it was painful since there were several chards in his back.

He ended up in the infirmary as well.

So, I decided to stay back and I believe everyone was better than okay without me around. Chika, being the good person she is, stayed back with me, and cheered me up by taking me around the town and into abandoned bulidings and such.

"Akira, are you alright?" Chika asks as she pays for the ice-cream, handing me a vanilla one, "You seem... Faint."

I look over to her sympathetic face and shrug and flash her a smile, "I'm fine, really, and thanks for the ice-cream!" I make sure to put a bit of cheeriness into my voice so she forgets about it, and sure enough, she smiles back and gives me the thumbs up.

We walk through an alleyway where the bricks seem a bit dull, but the posters all over were really eye catching.

They were missing posters, and they really get to me, they were of missing children, men, women, and one particular strange one that read, 'Mokato Mansion Missing Princess.'

I take Chika's hand and drag her out, and we decide to walk into the park instead.

Birds were chirping, the sun's rays were brighter than any other day, the sakura trees were in full blossom at this time of year. Children were running around witht their friends, families having picnics and then I realise that The Headmaster never really did take Yuki, Zero nor I on picnics when were young.

Well, we'll never have that again since they're gone.

My thoughts are cleared when I see Chika having a little fight with 2 big, bulky guards at a high black gate surrounding a mansion.

"You idiots, move! Let me through or you'll be sorry!" Chika screams as one of the guards points a wooden stake towards her.

Instincts take over and I stand infront of her, arms out stretched protecting Chika, "The hell is going on here?"

Chika immediately starts to ramble on some bullshit that I don't understand when my voice goes dark and low, "Chika, shut the hell up."

Silence overtakes the park, and all eyes are on us, and the guard with the stake up speaks, "This are is for vampire royalty only. No nobilites from separate families."

At this, Chika goes crazy and starts clawing at the air, "Let me at him!" But I hold her back, since we haven't heard the whole story."

I breathe and begin to talk, "What do you mean, royalty?"

The guard chuckles and out stretches his hand, "Passport."

Without hesitation, I hand him my passport, and he's laughing until he actually opens it and reads it, and his face goes stern and serious.

"Ma'lady Akira, sorry for the delay, please come through, along with your friend." The guard says, giving me back my passport and they both bow and open the gate.

My mouth is agape, but Chika behind me just starts pushing me forward from behind and when we're inside, infront of a beautiful garden and a large mansion.

We hear the shutting of the gates, and Chika finally breaks the silence, "The heck was that?"

I shrug in response, still in shock and look at my passport, Mokato Mansion.

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