Part 21

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Note: I'm deciding to stop writing jacks accent, it's hard to keep track of and is just kinda annoying to do, and sometimes dilutes the drama. Sorry if you liked, it it's just easier this way ;P
Also, sorry if the con is not at all how it actually is, I've never been to one XD

Jacks POV

I listened to the quiet hum of the car as I stared out the window. My eyes glazed and my mind wandered. I started to worry. What if the fans could tell it wasn't me? What if something went wrong and he left me in control onstage? What if he didn't hug the fans right? What if-

Sean. Calm down. It'll be perfectly fine. I'll make sure of it.

I gulped. Had he been listening to everything?

I'm an expert on you. I know how you like to treat your fans, I know you. I know your mannerisms, nobody will tell the difference.

I sighed. He was right. But I couldn't help but feel nervous. I'd never let him in control that long... I hoped he was as much an expert as he claimed.

Okay... when are you going to take over? After we show up and all the way through?

I'd say that's best. Unless you have a problem with it...?

Of course not, of course not... I trust you...

I was worried. And a bit disappointed I'd miss con... but it was a small price to pay to make sure I didn't fuck everything up.

I'm glad. Trust and honesty is crucial to pull this off.

Of course...

I snapped back to reality as Mark hit the break. We were in a parking lot full of cars. I took a deep breath and hopped out. Mark locked up and I let him take the lead. The building was huge, and people were already swarming the front. Mark and I went around back to get in.

The ceilings were high and fluorescent lights beamed. Booths were set up selling art and merch. I smiled. Without having to worry about my presentation, I was able to take in the sights. People skittered about like worker ants in every direction, meeting online friends, buying from booths, eating... it was so lively.

Ready to go under...?

I wasn't...I didn't want to...I didn't want to miss Vidcon, I loved it. But I knew. I knew I had to do this so everything was okay. It would be selfish for me to risk ruining the experience for all the fans just so I could enjoy myself.

Okay...go ahead.

Gladly. Nothing bad will happen, I promise. You trust me don't you...?

Of course... of course I trust you.

Wonderful. Sleep tight Sean...

And I was out.

Sorry, I know it's been months. This book is pretty low on my priorities, under school (a week from over), art, other fanfics I'm also slacking on, if you're looking for a quick moving story I'm sorry! Just know that this has no schedule and I'll be motivated when I'm motivated! Sorry ;-; also I'll prob have shorter chapters

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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