Part 13

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Jack's POV
Mark looked at me with an expression I couldn't place. Did I mess up so soon?!

"Mark, I really shouldn't have said any of what I said! It was stupid and I'm stupid..."

I stared at the ground, tears forming at the edges of my eyes. Had My Partner helped? He had to have. I looked up at Mark. His confusing expression had faded.

"You're not stupid. I said it was okay! You were stressed."

"That doesn't excuse how I acted..."

"Don't worry about it. I've had some time to think it over, and I realized that there's no use mulling over whatever happened. It was no biggie."

The tears started to fall then. I sat down next to Mark, my face in my hands. He was too good for this world. How did he do it? How did he stay so... Pure?

"Woah, woah, Jack! What's wrong?!"

"You're too much."

"W-what do you mean?"

I laid my head against his shoulder. He was such an amazing friend.

"No matter how many horrible things I do, you never seem to care..."

I was pilling so much onto him, probably messing up any progress My Partner had made. I looked at Mark and he blushed. Almost... Guiltily?

"Oh trust me. I'm nobody special..."

"But you ARE! You're funny and understanding and everyone loves you."

"Cmon, everyone loves you too! You're Jack!"

"That's just it. I'm Jack..."

Mark stared at me oddly. I didn't expect him to get it. I hoped I didn't do something wrong. I stood up and left the room, heading out to the front porch and leaning against the front door.

So what was that? Ye cant do that kind of thing Sean. Ye know that.

I know. I just... I couldn't just say nothing.

And that's your problem. Ye can never shut up and it costs you your friends an' family. Ye need ta learn. I'm upping my Sessions. I will take over when I need to. And don't oppose me. I don't think I need ta tell ye when, correct?

Upping Sessions? I wasn't sure... But if My partner thought it was a good idea, then I had no choice.

Okay. I trust you.

The only thing I couldn't seem to understand was how my talk with Mark was bad. I complimented him...

I sat outside for an hour or so. I pulled out my phone, scrolling through all the posts about Vidcon. Everyone was buzzing about it. I wished that everyone could just forget about it. I couldn't imagine going now. I just couldn't.

It was getting hot sitting on the cement porch steps. I shoved the door open, slipping into the house and relishing the cool air. I saw Mark on the couch.

"Hey Jack."


"Little too toasty for ya?"


I slipped down the hall before he could say another word. I shut the guest room door, plopping down on the plush comforter.

Ye finally got it? That everything ya do will set us back?

I guess...

Aw don't look so glum... I'm helping you aren't I?

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