Part 17

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Jack's POV
I wasn't asleep. Not really. But I definitely wasn't awake. It was strange. A little scary maybe. It was dark, my awareness wasn't there. I saw nothing, felt nothing, smelled nothing, heard nothing. But it was okay. Everything was under control. My Partner was making sure of that.

It was the first time is been awake as he took over. The other times were sort of like sleep. This one was too fast for me to fall asleep first. I hoped I wasn't disrupting anything. I tried not to move.

It was kind of cold. A little dank, damp. There was no ground to stand on, but I was suspended all the same. I wondered if this was where My Partner lived. It was my mind, kind of. I tried to imagine living my life here. In this empty, boring place. I was glad I'd given My Partner the chance to get out for a while.

Sean? It's time ta wake up...

I opened my eyes to Mark's guest room door. I curled my fingers in and out. Bedsheets. I was sitting on the pullout. I took a deep breath. The air was warm, sun pouring through the blinds. I sighed. That... Mind space. It wasn't scary. It wasn't all that pleasant either.

How long was I out this time?

Short time. Few hours. Productive though.

Glad to hear it. Is Mark okay? Did you help him?

I helped him however he needed it. He's feelin' great. Trust me.

I stretched my arms one by one. My ears popped, my mind clearing a bit.

How's the head?

I was confused for a minute until I realized he meant the weird fog that filled my brain. He must have known that I'd feel bad.

A little weird if I'm being perfectly honest. What is it?

Just some more after effects. Comes before the headache. Ya normally sleep it off, but Ye didn't sleep this time, so that's one more thing ta deal with.

So this whole "Session" thing is basically just like getting drunk?

More or less. Less fun. It's worth it though.

Of course it was worth it. Would I rather have Mark mad at me forever or deal with a few headaches? I wasn't a pussy.

I was kinda hungry though. I heaved myself off the bed, the grating squeak of metal on metal mixed with my oncoming migraine making me wince.

I stumbled down the hallway, almost bumping into Mark as I swung out into the living room.

"Hey Mark. I was just about ta grab some lunch. Should I just get myself somethin', or did ya have somethin' planned?"

Mark looked at me with surprise, then something else I couldn't place. A studying look maybe. Like he was waiting for the password.

"Um... Mark?"

He shook his head, seeming to snap out of whatever trance he was in. I noticed his hair was wet. Must've showered recently. I was glad I didn't sleep through anything too important.

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry, I have some sandwich stuff if you want. You can make something with anything in the fridge."

"Kay, thanks! You gonna eat?"

"Yeah, later. I got some con stuff to figure out."

"Yeah. I should probably work some stuff out too, but... I just didn't have time. Just little stuff, I'm sure it'll be fine."

It would be fine. My Partner was covering the con. I didn't have to worry.

I realized that I'd been building a dependence on him, but really, where was he gonna go? He was my second half at this point. Could I go a day without him? That was something I didn't need to worry about. He wouldn't leave...

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