Part 20

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Mark's POV
I woke up in my bed. Empty aside from me. I let out a deep breath. I listened for Jack. The pullout creaked from the other room and I smiled, imagining him rubbing the sleep from his eyes and starting his day. I yawned and rolled out from my covers, standing and stretching, my joints popping in unison. My stomach growled.

I left my room in search of something to eat, bumping into jack as he left his room, probably doing the same.

"Hey Jack. Need anything? I could make breakfast if you need."

Jack stared at me for a second. I remembered his partial breakdown the day before, though it had been shrouded by the later events.

"I guess... I could get my own if ye don't want any trouble..."

"Jack it's fine. It's nothing. I'll get you oatmeal or something, is that good?"

"Sure if ye really want ta..."

"I really want to. It's nothing."

"I- ... okay. Thanks."

I smiled at his acceptance. I was glad he was letting me help.

"Excited for con?"

His face went pale for a moment before he seemed to remember something. He nodded slowly.

"Yeah. It should be fun. Though..." he seemed as if he was trying to force himself to say something. Or was trying to keep it in. "I'm kinda scared I'm not too fit fer meetin people at the moment... yknow..."

I nodded. Though internally I was a bit shocked he was admitting something was wrong. He normally tried not to.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. After all, you love meeting fans, maybe it'll cheer you up right?"

He smiled slightly it seemed a bit forced but at least he was smiling. "Maybe yer right..."

"Course I am ya doof." I punched him playfully. I tried not to make it obvious how hard I was trying to be lighthearted. "We need to get there by one, so we've got a few hours. Got everything ready?"

He nodded slightly, almost unsure but sure enough. I knew the feeling.

"Yeah... cmon, we can talk in the kitchen." He followed as I led him to the kitchen and started making breakfast. He plopped down at he bistro and put his head in his arms.

It was silent for a while. Awkward. I focused on making the food until I heard him start to mumble to himself.

"Maybe... but you'll do the whole thing? How many parts? You need ta be happy or they'll be disappointed in me... I know they are..."

I could barely make it out. It seemed like a pep talk to himself. Can't say I'd never done the same. I ignored it and finished the oatmeal, sliding it over to him. He took it.

"Thanks mark..." He started eating. He didn't mention the mumbling so I didn't either. It would be an odd con.

Don't Tell Jack... (Mark X Anti)Where stories live. Discover now