Part 4

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Mark's POV

I was woken by my phone buzzing obnoxiously against my chest. i groaned. i'd fallen asleep on the couch again. not like it was a problem, though. i just normally preferred actually using the bed i'd paid money for.

I feebly lifted my tired arm to paw my phone off my chest and bring it to my face. i squinted at the screen, the blurry notification finally coming into focus. when i saw who it was, my grogginess left me.

Jack: Wanna hang out 2day around 3? if ur busy it's fine. just txt back as soon as u can! i need 2 kno before i have 2 pack!

I chuckled. i loved how he said "hang out" when we both knew he meant skype. it wasn't like he was going to hop on a plane and fly over to make dick jokes and drink for an hour. still, i texted back as quickly as possible.

Mark: Thanks 4 waking me up u asshole. sure, we can hang. 3 sounds good. we can talk about sleeping arrangements n shit. c u then!

I clicked off my phone and tossed it onto the coffee table, causing it to slide right across and fall off the other side. Jack was flying over to California the next day. Vidcon was being held an hour or so from my place so i suggested Jack stay at my house so he didn't waste money on a hotel. and anyway, it meant more time with Jack. i could admit that the main reason was that the thought of jack sleeping over at my house gave me butterflies and made me giggle like a schoolgirl and  melted my heart into a pile of quivering goo, but nah. 

i rolled off the couch and onto the plush carpet, failing to get my legs to work before i face planted. groggily, i braced my hand against the coffee table and staggered to my feet. one good thing about sleeping on the couch; the kitchen isn't too far off. i all but oozed into the kitchen, yanking open the fridge and grabbing the ketchup. the cool air from the fridge finally woke me up enough to realize that i didn't need ketchup for my cereal.

I finally cleared the gunk from my eyes (and brain) and prepared an actual breakfast. as soon as i sat down to eat i heard a familiar buzz, followed by the chorus of "Space is Cool" on loop. i practically fell out of my chair scrabbling for my phone.

Jack: Sorry.

Jack: wait shouldnt it be noon over there?

Mark: that's fuckin early!

Jack: see you at 3 u lazy shit! ;P

I sighed and fell back onto the couch. It was noon. That meant I had to wait three hours until I could see Jack. 

What to do... I was in desperate need of coffee. that was something. i grabbed my phone off the couch beside me and headed out to the car. i was still in clothes from the day before and my hair was straight enough. i didn't smell too bad. i'd be fine.

I hopped in the car and drove over to the nearest coffee shop. Dunkin Donuts. the coffee there is actually pretty okay. i walked in, hearing the familiar gargle of the coffee machines greet me. I barely spoke as i ordered my coffee and sat down on a cold metal chair. i checked my phone. 12:30. Just another two and a half hours. 

Oh that's so-o coo-oo-oo-oo-ool! So coo-oo-oo-oo-ool! My comp-

i started, almost dropping my phone. i pulled up my messages and stopped my ringtone right after everyone's head was turned. leave it to me to leave my phone on max volume in a quiet coffee shop. i grinned awkwardly and let out a forced chuckle. when it seemed that everyone had gone back to their food, i turned my attention to my phone. before anything else, i made sure to turn the volume way the hell down.

Jack: U at ur house? i finished packing early. Turns out i had less 2 pack than i thought. we could chat anytime now if u want.

Thank god. i didn't want to wait any longer than i had to. screw coffee.

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