Part 3

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Jack's POV

Oh J̸͚̈́̾ą̶͍̎̅c̴̩̓k̶̦̉aboy~ ... Ya know i'm here .̸ . .̴ it'll hurt my feè̷̟̖̖̤ĺ̶͎͍̮ings if ye ignore me ... it's rud̸̟̯̟͎̭͋́́̃̄e̶ to ignore ... and here i thought ÿ̷̖̙́͊̀̓ͅͅou were the sweet one. 

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I awoke in a cold sweat, bolting upright. the remnants of my dream still clung to my mind like mashed potatoes to the back of a principal's head. (long story). "you know i'm here"? I didn't. I really and truly didn't. but for some odd reason the voice HAD sounded familiar. only slightly, but something about it just... I rubbed my temples. here i was thinking this dream was some sign or omen. i guessed it was as much a dream as any. I lied back down and pulled my covers over my head. 

i was just about to drift off when my right eye started to burn. i ignored it for a while, trying to fall asleep regardless, but the pain built upon itself. it felt as if some asshole had dumped a bucket of sand on my face, specifically when my right eye was wide open and welcoming. i still tried to get to sleep. the pain could wait until tomorrow. i needed to recharge.

Suddenly my eye convulsed, flickering open and shut rapidly on it's own. the pain, the searing pain that came with it was unbearable. it felt as if a dozen flaming needles had been driven into my retina. my optic nerve. my lens. my iris. my cornea. my pupil. my bunch of other eye parts i'm forgetting at the moment. every part of my right eye that could be burning was burning. 

I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and pounded the home button, sending a blinding ray of white light across my face and making me squint through my lashes. I slid up the lock screen and pulled up the camera function. my screen displayed the black void of my bedroom. i slammed the "change camera view" icon and my face showed up. 

the first thing i saw was the blood. My upper lip and chin were completely coated with layer after layer of dried on scarlet. to my relief i noticed fairly quickly that it was a nosebleed and not an open wound, although i still generally preferred to keep such a large amount of blood inside my body with the thought that i may need it later. that was all i could really see in the darkness though. I felt the needles in my eye start to work their way back into my skull causing some sort of electric pulse to shoot throughout my nervous system. I needed light to check it out. and i needed it before i went blind.

I rolled out of my bed, throwing off my covers. my eyes still had not readjusted to the darkness after the brightness of my phone. i stumbled across the floor with my hands out in front of me. finally i found the door to my bedroom and threw it open. i felt my way along the hallway wall until my hand brushed the bathroom door. i fumbled with the knob and pushed open the door, the hinges squeaking angrily. i felt along the wall and flicked the light switch, flooding the hall with florescent relief. 

carefully, i made my way to the mirror. i hardly recognized myself. my hair was shaped like an angry porcupine and the lower half of my face was covered in blood. my skin was paler than usual and clammy from adrenaline, and the bags under my eyes almost reached my cheekbones. but i wasn't there to evaluate how ugly i was. i was there to see what the f*** was up with my eye. i leaned into the mirror and used my thumb and forefinger to pull open my eyelids because, due to the horrible unearthly pain, my eye was still squinted and twitching uncontrollably. 

what i saw almost made my heart stop. i stumbled back but held my ground, equally sickened and fascinated. the whites of my right eye were a bright, glowing lime green. it looked terrifying. grotesque. infected. almost... SEPTIC. 

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