Part 12

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Mark's POV
Everything was in slow motion. My hand flew off Jack's shoulder so unexpectedly that I couldn't keep my balance. My foot slipped out from under me so fast that it reached a good three feet in the air. My head hit the tile at blinding speed. But the worst part of it all was that he didn't even seem to notice.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! How many times do I have ta tell ye to STOP FOOKIN BABYING ME?!"

He dashed out of the room, slamming the guest room door a few seconds later.

I laid on the ground, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I sat up, gingerly touching the back of my head. I winced, but there was no blood, thankfully. What had just happened? I was trying to help...

I grabbed the counters edge and pulled myself to my feet, trying to regain my balance. I finally steadied myself, leaning on the counter. Was I really so bad that I could make JACK that angry? It broke my heart. I kept messing up around him. I decided to leave him be a while before trying to confront him again.

I went to finish cleaning my bowl. My head was stinging. The sun from the kitchen window burned my eyes. I reached up to pull the blinds down.

As I put away my cheap plastic bowl, i started to think about how Jack had been acting lately. He'd been really strange. And I knew it wasn't just a cold. I wasn't that stupid. Okay, maybe I was, but i could still tell.

The problem wasn't even really how strange he'd been acting. It was that it seemed like he was HIDING something from me. Something big. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a nosy person, not in general, it just seemed like... I dunno. This wasn't girl trouble or family problems. It didn't seem like he was embarrassed. It seemed like he was dealing with something nobody else knew about. It was like he was scared.

I needed to talk to him. No matter what he said. I needed to help. He was my FRIEND and he needed help. And I just had to help him. Because I CARED about him. So much... I cared so much.

I slammed the dishwasher shut and took a deep breath. As I made my way out of the kitchen and down the hall, i realized that that was the second time that day that I'd be going to that guest room to confront Jack about something that I really didn't want to. That was so dumb. I promised myself I would never again fall asleep in the open while Jack was over. At least he didn't know it was about him. As long as I wasn't talking in my sleep.

Before I got to the door, though, the doorknob began to turn. I didn't know why, but I ran. I ran down the hall, plopped onto the couch, and tried to look as natural as possible. About ten seconds later, Jack walked out into the living room.



There was a long awkward silence, just looking at each other. There was something a little off about his expression, but I couldn't really place it. His eyes were bloodshot. It looked like he'd been crying. My heart twisted.

"Jack, I'm sorry."

"What? Why are YOU sorry?! I'm the idiot here!"

"Jack, you're not an idiot. You're my friend. I just want you to be happy. I'm so sorry I babied you. I just want to know what's wrong so I might be able to help."

"Ye didn't baby me. It was my fault. It's just... I've been kinda struggling with some depression lately..."

Depression?! Kinda?! I sat up straight. This was a big deal. Jack doesn't get depressed.

Don't Tell Jack... (Mark X Anti)Where stories live. Discover now